Monday, March 6, 2017


King Cyclops is mortified to be criticized by several of his millennial female readers.
                                            It seems I am an elderly,gentleman sexist.
  • This is because I seem not to hold Ivanka to the same standard as the boys 
  • This is because she is a pretty,polite girl young enough to be my grand daughter.
  • I am accused of  signing on to the media “BS” that Ivanka is the smart decent member of the family.
  • The nice one .
  • The modest convert  to Orthodox Judaism. 
  • Who appeals to her father’s better angels.
  • The “liberal’ one who is pushing for paid  family leave.
  • Who is privately against the defunding of Planned Parenthood .
 My critics point out that ,sure she seems to be the smart one ,but that's compared to his boys!!!

We know how dumb they are because they actually  say things and boast about hunting, Russian money and deals.

 “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets"

"We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

"hunting and fishing makes you fall in love with the natural world. This is why hunters so often give back by contributing to conservation."

She never says anything except for the occasional fluff,girly stuff [their words] .

As the old adage goes: While she says nothing some may think she is not very bright.If she starts to really speak it may remove all doubt.

  The first item they had me note was Ivanka's role in the tasteless,cynical  exploitation of the Navy seal widow.

  • The victim of an ill conceived raid in Yemen apparently approved by Trumpf between courses at Mar-el-Lago.
  • You know the one "his Generals "screwed up. 
  • Inherited from Obama-not.
  • But certainly not his fault.
  • The object of the mission: boost the Donald's commander in chief credentials.
  • So Ivanka escorts her to her exploitation.

Nor do they buy into the observant Jewish Schtik.

It was used to give Dad some cover over his anti-Semitic dog whistles during the campaign.
But "frumkeit" did not prevent Ivanka and Hubby despoiling their Shabbat observations 
By driving to inaugural balls or
Their patronage of non kosher restaurants.

Now King Cyclops does not give monkeys about Ivanka's religious practices--but if you use it as part   of your PR persona then your consistency may be questioned.  

King Cyclops is a Yeshiva Bocher --went to rabbinical college until his bar mitzvah-- very precocious. 

So he can vouch to his Catholic friends: The Yids don't do "dispensations" even for der trump kinder.

  • There is no way, none, Nader, nicht a rabbi can "allow" you not to observe the Sabbath. 
  • Or for the breaking of any other commandment for that matter.
  • Shabbat is the holiest day in the orthodox calendar--EVERY WEEK.
  • Not for inaugural balls, not for a state diner, not even to go to an Arsenal game.
  • Only, to save a life: yours, anothers,even your fathers.
  • After much rabbinic discussion over several centuries-ok for child birth.   

Then there is the "fashion label" and the enabling of daddy's conflicts of interest.
  •  He, the president, tweets that's its unfair for Nordstrom et al to drop her clothes line.
  •  She does not demur.
  •  She says nothing.

As to the "family leave "stuff; 

my millennial ladies think that it is as genuine as Melania's campaign against "cyber bullying".
  • They note that she knows that there is no way that a Republican congress is going to mandate such a right let alone fund it.
  • They won't even do it for federal employees.
  • How do they know this ?
  • Cos the republicans have always blocked such initiatives.        

                                Well it seems my millennial friends may have a point.

                                I had no idea she is referred to as the “crafty one”.

1 comment:

  1. So, the WH is probably in an eruv; which is a cop out designed by a clever rabbi which allows frum people to do whatever they want to do whilst pretending to observe the sabbath. And she probably doesn't eat pork or shellfish, which is fair enough. But bottom line - she's a very pretty, not very bright daddy's girl who's used to everyone fawning over her every word and is terribly surprised and hurt that the public isn't eating out of her hand.
    And she's going to get a lot more from daddy's will when he pops his clogs than she is from her fashion line so she'll carry on supporting him. Jared is another story......
    Keep 'em coming Irv.
