Wednesday, March 15, 2017


                                                              TRUMPF TAXES

 Last night I was in the process of composing a a short blog on the Russian Connections.
 I got a call from one of the Princesses who told me to watch the Rachel Maddow show.
 Maddow had a scoop.The Princess knows that I am an admirer of Rachel Maddow .
She is an excellent journalist with a good team.A very effective presenter of a case.
She is forthright about her liberal biases,but does not let them  get in the way of her seeing things as they are.

The scoop was that journalist and Trumpf biographer, David K.Johnson, had received Trump’s tax returns in the mail


After milking the “scoop” for about 20 minutes the document was revealed. It was a paltry two pages.

 King Cyclops is in the process of helping the Queen prepare the royal tax returns for 2016.
They will run to 20 pages or so.  This for a straightforward personal tax filing.

TRUMPF has arranged his business affairs as an intricate series of personal companies in various tax jurisdictions.

  • Unusually for a business “empire” so large, there is no publical listed company which has raised third party moneys.
  • Past forays into the public,fiduciary arena have, like Trumpf University, not gone well.
  Therefore, among the peculiarities of the Trumpf return that was exhibited:

  •         The Donald's tax returns would require information on his personally owned entities and be very long and complicated.
  •           Several hundred if not thousand pages long.
  •          They would include information on the debts, income streams and companies which he has created as part of his personal and business activities.
  •         They would probably also reveal who has been doing business with    and
  •           Most interestingly who are his creditors?
  •         It was only the first two summary pages.
Why did the “leaker” not send the rest of the filing?

 In addition:
  •          The two page return was from 2005.
  •         Twelve years ago.
  •          Why that year?
  •          What about the returns for the last 20+ years during which he has been dealing with Russian businessmen?
"Astonishingly" the two pages present Mr. Trump’s tax is in a relatively favorable light.

  • He paid $32 million or a little under 25% in tax on $130 million of income.
  • Given his boasting about his desire and ability to “work” the tax system, as a businessman, this is not particularly egregious.
  • This is much less aggressive than the tax returns of Mitt Romney released four years ago.
  •  If these two pages from 2005 are typical of his tax returns why not all of release them?

 The returns were prepared by a professional tax preparer, that preparer will have generated five sets of the documents.

  • ·         One for the Federal Government.
  • ·         One for New York State
  • ·         A third for New York City.
  • ·         Another for Trump’s lawyers      and
  • ·         Finally set for the taxpayer personally i.e. for Donald and Melania.

         EACH set would have a notation on page two as to whom it was sent or where.

  •  The copy that has been sent by mail to David Johnston is marked as Donald and MELANIA's personal copy.
  • Trump’s personal return. 
  • This would mean that someone had access to the Donald’s 2005 personal copy and chose to send two of several hundred pages
  •  To one of his greatest enemies.         
Why would Melania do this?

  •  If it was done to damage the Donald, where are the other pages?
  •  Why only the return for 2005?
  • Is it possibly the only return in the last 20 years that puts Trump in a less than dreadful light?
  • These two pages present the Pater Familias, Donald, in a “relatively” good light
  • This begs the question of who exactly chose to release this return.
 Just as important

  • It deflected from the imminent pronouncement from various congressional committees[all Publican controlled] that Trumpf Tower was NOT wire tapped by Obama.
  • Changed the subject from the disastrously bizarre TRUMPF/RYANCARE replacement for OBAMACARE.

  But not for long

By this morning it was becoming common currency on the talk shows that the surreptitious release of these two pages was engineered by the dark ops team in Trumpf Tower.

Sorry Rachel, much as I admire you I think yesterday you were had.

Never mind, sooner or later we will see all of the tax documents from the years since the Trump casinos went bust.King Cyclops found the whole presentation a little on and thoughts and the inference of a KGB sleight-of-hand stop I was simply this morning it transpired that I was not the only one puzzled and there was a strong strand of opinion that judge of the Trump family itself

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