Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The king has received several missives from his loyal opposition chiding him for his bias.
Two of them from the  Emerald Isle. They must be concerned for my negative influence on the Hell's Kitchen born Irish Queen.

Trust me boyos she can fend for herself.

I produce below the masked but unredacted gist of these.
Very succinct:

  " Fake news, Irving.


     Come on ,I expect better of you"

MY response:

Did you really? (expect better of you)  I'll take that as a complement--however unearned.
These are predictions .Which do you disagree with?
  • Disgraced  ex National Security advisor John Flynn will be indicted on tax evasion charges .
  • His military pension may be challenged for serious breach of regulations while chief of military Intelligence.
These two investigations have already been announced. Trumpf spokesman already thrown him under the bus at press conference and in briefings and phone calls to media.
  •  His son may be drawn into the tax maw.    
  Sins of the father I am afraid, but he seems to share his dad's conspiracy theories  and dodgy employment practices,
  • Paul Manafort will not be indicted for Treason but will have very serious Tax  and Money Laundering problems. 
Do you think he will be indicted for treason? He has already lawyered up for the other two investigations.
  • His sidekick Carter Page will be thrown to the wolves by Trumpf Whitehouse  
 Already happened this week along with another campaign advisor  Roger Stone who I forgot to include in original post.
 Each has now hired seperate lawyers.
  • A non partisan, independent probe will be authorised by a REPUBLICAN  congress.
 One hour ago on live TV watched 2008 Republican presidential candidate and Arizona  Senator John McCain call for precisely this.
 He and a number of other senior Republicans do not believe[trust] the Republican led House Intelligence [sic] Committee can do or be seen to do an impartial investigation.

 Press briefing by Republican Committee Chair Nunes one hour earlier served to prove the point.

  • As will Wilbur Ross[Commerce Secretary] and Rex Tillerson [rumoured to be Secretary of State} both of whom will resign in disgrace.
          We will see ,call me in November.
  •   Forgot about HHS Secretary Dr. Tom Price, leading the charge to impoverish the sick .
 "Trumpf fired federal prosecutor Preet Bhararain  in the middle of  investigating stock trades by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price." Bhararain has not yet been replaced and the Manhattan District Attorney's office staff will continue the probe. In addition   "He is subject of an SEC probe into insider trading."                 Kaiser Healthcare News March 20th,2017.
These probes can drag on. Expect resignation in November/December.
  The details of the rest are more speculative or [humorous] hyperbole. But we are only into day 62 so......
  • As will Wilbur Ross[Commerce Secretary] and Rex Tillerson [rumoured to be Secretary of State} both of whom will resign in disgrace.
  • Although Tillerson may go first because he is tired.
  •  Manafort or page  or both will seek exile in non extradition territory--Moscow?
  • Ivanka's Baku deal will be drawn into the probe.
  • Bannon will remain in bunker with adolph   the Donald --at least till November.
  • Paul Ryan will be  deposed as speaker of the House of representatives .
  • He will run for President in 2020,2024,2028.
  • So will Rand Paul
                     And you discount the palace coup and the men in white coats too lightly


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