Friday, March 17, 2017

Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Chancellor Angela Merkel visit White House

Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman 

Last Tuesday Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman smilingly took Trumpf's  tiny hand in his own, marking an  “historical turning point” in US-Saudi relations and anointed Trumpf  a“true friend of Muslims”. 

A spokesman for the Wahabi ,Saudi decapitating, hand slicing,Al Quaeda incubating ,Monarchy said " Saudi Arabia does not believe that [the immigration ban]is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam".
They were apparently told the ban only applied to the Shia. 

The 9/11 terrorist attack was carried out by 15 hijackers from Saudi Arabia,and two from the United Arab Emirates.

The Wahabi dominated Saudi Arabia and its wholly owned subsidiary Pakistan were not on the list of Trumpf banned countries.
  • Recently announced US/SAUDI arms sales  total $120 billion.
  • Rex Tillerson  CEO of EXXON  US  Secretary of State plans trip to Riyadh to discuss further oil deals.
  • Saudi pledged to advise Trumpf administration on border controls a la Yemen.
  • Also this week an Ivanka struck deals for two  new Trumpf hotels,in Mecca and Medina, 
  • Rumoured to be targeted to open for the 2018 Haj .
                             Chancellor  Frau Angela Merkel.

                       In town today was Leader of the Free world  chancellor  Angela Merkel.

Unlike for Mohammad bin Salman ,Fox news points out " no hand shake" for Merkel..No smile either.
It could be new found religion and Trumpf only shakes hands with Wahabi men?

A spokes man said it had nothing to do with a German intelligence report claiming “Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are supporting extremist Islamic groups in Germany"

The two just do not like each other.

Nevertheless ,Merkel has promised  Mexico  the White House to provide technical assistance to
                                                 "tear down that wall"

The recent visit to 24 German cities by Donald Jr. has not resulted in any deals to build Trump hotels.     
It is believed Eric has been dispatched to find deals in Kurdistan. 
To be followed by a Saudi internship with bin Salman  to get an education on how to bolster OPEC power to raise prices,deal with awkward Shia neighbours , value a 5% stake in Uber,publicly list Aramco in jewyork and transform the Saudi Economy in 8 years--end of daddy's second term.


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