Friday, July 27, 2018

Labour Party Anti Semitism--redux

I have resisted writing a blog post about  Labour Party Anti Semitism.

The last time I wrote on this it turned into a rant against Ed Miliband.

On re reading a week or so later I was a little embarrassed by my tone. 

Just the tone NOT the substance.

Livingstone madness,Milne poison and  Corbyn  dissembling had hit a nerve.

The latest episode of this farce/tragedy  has led to a correspondence from old friends and obliges me to share.

To update non UK recipients:

  • The Labour Party leadership has been forced by pressure from within and from  a concerned public to issue a "code of conduct" on Anti Semitism .
  • An early draft of this included a very widely accepted  " International Definition of Anti-semitism" that has been adopted unabridged around the world. 
  • The leadership however saw fit to amend /edit this for "clarity".

A redraft by Seamus Milne removed  clauses    
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
The first has been an anti Semitic trope since the formation of the nation state and the second is incendiary;guaranteed to anger Jews,Zionist or not.

Apparently Corbyn and the party leadership do not regard these clauses as sufficiently "depositive" to indicate an anti Jewish bias.

The new abridged definition was proposed after extensive "consultation" with Jewish groups and across the Labour Party.

The draft caused uproar and led to the Labour parliamentary group of MPs to reject it and to call on the Parties National Executive Committee to  adopt the Universal  definition without parsing  the text or its grammar.

The next day the NEC ignored the uproar and adopted the draft.

If what took place is not anti Semitic; what is?
Is it now possible to believe that Corbyn does not “understands and condone “?

Yesterday Margaret Hodge MP for Barking confronted  Corbyn outside the commons chamber calling him  "an Anti-Semite and a racist"

Hodge lost family in the Holocaust and has been a Labour activist,councilour,civic leader and MP for over 50 years.

She has already been charged and called to face a party disciplinary hearing with the NEC. Somewhat faster action than a reckoning for ex London Mayor and MP Ken "Hitler was allied with the  Zionists" LIvingstone. He along with George Galloway a lifelong Corbyn friend.
All this with ten days of Corbyn promoting  Naz "move  Israel's jews  into the United States" Shah to the role of "shadow equalities minister ".

None of this is made up or satirical.

All but one  living Labour leader has condemned anti semitism within the Party and support using theInternational Definition of Anti-semitism". 

 We have yet to hear from  Ed Milliband.
The son of Jewish WWII refugees sheltered and protected by the UK and the British Labour party.

Speak out ED:
  • If not you, Who?
  • If not now, When?
  • If not this,What?
  • If not appropriate,Why?

Cyclops was politically involved with Corbyn  and Hodge forty some years ago.
He has spoken to neither in four decades.
He has reached out to Margaret Hodge and offered support if she chooses to run as an Independant Labour candidate.

I have been contacted already by numerous friends and contemporaries.
We shall not go quietly into this dark night.
That much we owe .

They Shall Not Pass

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