Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Mara,World Cup,Brexit, Nato & Trumpfski

                                     There is so much going on at Palace its hard to keep up 😅

              Princess Jenny delivered beautiful new grand daughter 9lb 3oz.
              Princess Rachel due to do the same in 6 months 😊
             These ladies get priority.

             Next day France's lone Spur,goalkeeper Lloris,keeps out Spurs Belgium quartet.
             Today England's Spurs six face Croatia's ex-Spurs duo Modric & Corluca.

         Meanwhile predicted collapse of UK Brexit negotiating position leading to the inevitable
         BINO:Brexit In Name Only.
         Bonking Boris shamed into resigning by David Davies.
         Government chaos .
         Ironically Teresa May looking more relaxed then at any time as
         Prime Minister.

  •         The fat lady will not sing.
  •         There will be a second referendum.
  •         Perhaps as another election.
  •         Parliament will effectively decide.
  •         Poland's Tusk offers UK return ticket. 
  •         Pressure from his master at Unite Union for Corbyn to campaign REMAIN. 
  •         Corbyn/May in polling dead heat as next PM.

  Cyclops Predicts: Political Turmoil.

  •                 BOTH party leaders will be replaced before next election.
  •                 Each party will be led by the sons of Pakistani bus drivers.
  •                 Both effectively running on a REMAIN platform.
  •                 Nigel Farage in despair;seeks political refuge in Trumpfski land.
  •                 Too late Trumpfski making campaign speeches to four walls in Sing Sing or                  Belvue Hospital.   

        NATO meeting treated to usual Trumpfski bombast and personal attack on Germany and                        Merkel.
  •           Most pundits assume attacks on Merkel linked to his misogyny,
  •           Insecurity when faced with powerful women.
  •           Ignorance
  •           Play acting for his "BASE".   or 
  •          Jet Lag    
Cyclops adds another more profound psychological theory.
  • Trumpfski is German.
  • Although he claimed to be Swedish in his biography.
  • His grandfather Friedriche made the family fortune in real estate and running brothels in the Californian and Klondike gold rushes.                                                                                    
  • He returned to his home town to marry a local woman and to settle down as a wealthy burgher.
  • The then German[Prussian] authorities deported him to the USA as a draft dodger.from the Franco/Prussian war.
  • This history traumatised both Trumpfski and his father Fred.
  • Both followed Der Alter-the old man -into the real estate and the hospitality industry.
  • Fred dodged the call up in WW II and the Donald dodged the war in Vietnam--bone spurs and "advanced education".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The sub conscious resentment to Germany's Merkel is partly explained by this history.                                                                                                                                         
England and Helsinki Summit
After disrupting NATO the President is heading to London for tea with the Queen and to Helsinki to report to Putin.

He has announced that he will be meeting with the brave  dissidents who have defied authoritarian leaders.

                                     Golf with "my friend" Bonking Boris


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