Wednesday, July 25, 2018


                                                      WITHER IVANKA

                           Trumpfski   “Buy American and Hire American,”    
  •  Ivanka's fashion products ALL made in China,Vietnam or Philippines.
  •  Ivanka gives Republican National Convention speech calling for paid maternity leave.  
  •  “policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties, they should be the norm.” 
  • The contractor that designs Ivanka Trump apparel does not provide its employees paid family leave.

 Trump levies$34 billion tariffs on Chinese goods from auto parts to medical devices                               Fortune July 2018                                                                
    Clothing and shoes imported by Ivanka  Brand excluded.
Nordstrom and other retailers cut ties with the brand—citing weak sales.                      
Donald Tweets:         
My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible! 

  • Ivanka’s jewelry line discontinued                                          March 2017
  • Ivanka gets 17 Chinese patent/trademarks                        March 2017
  • More than Apple  
  • DSW dropping Ivanka shoe range                                                 June 2018  
  • Brand removed from Hudson's Bay stores, Canada  July 2018                                Ivanka Trump Is Shutting Down Her Fashion Brand                                                            nytimes July34,2018    

             She is not selling the business to third party.
             Perhaps it has no value  

                                CYCLOPS  has QUESTIONS

Is Ivanka planning to follow daddy's footsteps?

  •        pull all cash out of the business  
  •         then declare bankruptcy    
  •         stiff suppliers on outstanding invoices   
  •      fail to pay redundancy payments  
  •      default on Deutsche Bank loan        
  •        cancel all maternity leave                                                               

Will she donate the brand and its trademarks/patents to charity? Trump foundation maybe?

                      Then take a charitable tax right off.
                      Tax break for rich thoughtfully left in the code last year.

Is Mueller team still investigation her role in Trump Hotel Baku?
                     Trump Venezuela
                     Trump  Istanbul
                     Trump  Mumbai
                     Trump  ........
                     Trump  ........

On what date will the commerce department announce that shoes and clothes are now on Chinese Tariff List?


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