In response to HRHC blog last week,THE SUPREMES,we have received supportive messages and referrals to an unrelated groundswell along the same lines from Liberal Lawyers and sundry "thoughtful people".
Most interestingly Cyclop's agents close to the court and in the know have been diligently joining the dots. Their reports are confirming the thesis that the Trumpfski/Justice Kennedy conspiracy has little to do with Roe.It's all about Kennedy's son and Trumpfski's feared indictment.
Previously very reliable sources have told the Palace that Kennedy's son Deutsche Bank Justin Kennedy will be interviewed by the Mueller team before the end of July.
Justice Kennedy naturally has contacts in the Justice Department who informed him of this.This caused genuine panic.No one,never mind a Supreme, welcomes their son being embroiled and possibly indicted in an influence peddling,money laundering Russian scandal.
It is known that Justice Kennedy has been very upset that his son still worked for a German bank linked to Putin corruption and money laundering.But salary and bonuses north of $2 million/year make an attack of conscience very expensive.
The Bank has paid over a $ billion in fines in the US & UK and has had to replace two disgraced Ceos.The first of whom was then appointed as Chairman of the money laundering National Bank of Cyprus by Trumpfski friend Wilbur Ross
Every time Trumpfski insults Merkel,the Supreme gets heart burn over whether she will accelerate the German prosecutors looking at Deutsche. for various crimes. These include possibly using illicit Russian money to fund under collateralised loans to an Orange Haired New York real estate mogul.
Cyclops sources believe that the well documented pressure from the White House for Kennedy to retire played into a common interest for both men. To protect themselves and family from an unpredictable [aka fact based] court.
Neither wanted to risk Kennedy have to recuse [I hate that word] himself from cases involving Trumpfski's Presidential prerogatives or Deutsche/Justin.Thus leaving an even balanced court to decide.They both now regard Chief Justice Roberts as unreliable in the event of a tied court.
He will be around after Trumpfski and Kennedy and jealously guards his reputation .He might even secretly relish his place in history leading the court through the Trumpfski demise and possibly presiding over impeachment hearings. Court insiders are fully aware that Roberts is politically careful and savvy and that he does not hold Trumpfski,Kelly et al in high intellectual or ethical regard.
So this all goes to confirming the thesis that Trumpfski is very happy about the furore over Roe as the perfect diversion from his need for a grateful appointee who has a record of supporting the odd notion that a President cannot be indicted,prosecuted or convicted because he/she is too busy. Kavanaugh and others on the list have this view or are malleable.
It may or may not be anybody on the current runners and riders list .Cyclops predicts that the choice will be pro life but sufficiently vague on the Roe precedent to give Senators Collins and Paul an excuse to cave to Trumpfski as usual .The nominee will ,more importantly, also be very deferential on executive privilege and immunity.If there is also an indication that the nominee respects Presidential prerogatives on Immigration and Tariffs then Then the White House has a trifecta.
The W H counsels office also has a fantasy that they might find an Hispanic woman with a black spouse with the correct views. I said fantasy

Well Cyclops hears you ask "Why haven't I been reading this in my Newspaper?" or seen it on the nightly news.
The thesis has made its way onto blogs and alternative media sites.
Now a time honoured way for journalists
to get their reporting out when the editor cannot get it past the paper's or network's lawyers.

Expect it on the Rachel Maddow show by the end of the week.
The other standard way to get the word out is to publish a piece debunking the "rumours' and " conspiracy theories".Of course to do that the writer has to explain to the reader what the rumours are about
Eh Voila

Thats precisely what David Litt has done in the Washington Post

PS I spare you more for now but posts to follow on Brexit,Teriffs,Nato etc
Q: What do North Korea's Young Kim,China's Xi,Russia's Putin,Saudi bin Sultan,Emirati BMZ and Israel's Netanyahu have in common?
answers on a postcard
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