Nearly 3 dozen who attended church event test positive for coronavirus.
Does not Bode well for KIM IL TRUMPS {beautiful occasion )Easter Sunday celebration
Now CYCLOPS is not an expert on the Novum Testamentum.

But my understanding is that on Easter Friday the Jewish Messiah was Crucified.
Body left in cave.
Saturday was the Jewish Shabbat. Nobody working.
So on the Sunday he was by a miracle Resurrected.
Modern Messiah DONALD IL TRUMP is a Devout and Saintly man.

But he is probably not fully apprised of the events, location, chronology and
the Dramatis Personae of the First Easter.

This preceded even the Obama administration; which is to blame for America’s lack of preparedness.
As a renowned theologian he knows the first CRUCIFIXION {ED:do not cause offence,watch that spelling} was not in the US of A; but in Italy and had something to do with the Israelis.
Which is why the Chinese originally sent the Wuhan Pandemic on El Al to Venice.

It later arrived on Alitalia at JFK New York.

The LORD would not have sent it to the USA while this land was being Made Great Again.
Either Hilary Satan intervened and diverted g-d’s plan or
it was a mistake by the Eternal Shipping Clerk's subordinate.

Mike Spence told the Great Leader who Guides Us in all things;
that HE is indeed the Lord’s chosen to be GREATEST VICTIM of Covoid 19.
For the chief victim he surely is.

Wuhan 19 was sent not just to biblically “try him “ but to embarrass a “perfect” Presidency.
With the best words.
The most achievements.

So much better than the others.
Just like Jesus he has been persecuted and vilified,by Hilary Pilate and the Pharisees Democrats, and Crucified by the wicked fake news medya.

This is part of HIS [Trump/God which?] divine plan. A beautiful Plan
The Best. The Greatest Plan.
KIm IL Trumpfski will be Challenged and then Triumph.

- First he was dismissed as a clown
- An ignoramus.
- Then a Philander
- A liar. A thief. A fraud. A cheat
- He Bore False Witness
- Was an Adulterer.
- A Liar
- He Grabbed Pussy.
- Coveted his Neighbour's Wife.
- And Daughter
- And Mother
- Sister ,Cousin and Hairdresser.
- Dog?
- Paid off Porn stars.
- A liar
- Was Cuckolded
- Stole the Election.
- Colluded with Russkis
- Golden Showered
- Bribed and Bullied.
- Emolumented Himself.
- Threatened Ukrainians
- Did we mention Liar
He lost the popular vote - Had weak inaugural crowds -He was investigated.& Muellered
Will It never end? No FROGS but now this PLAGUE

Easter Sunday would be the perfect time to --End HIS Trials --and celebrate HIS [Trumpfski’s] resurrection,triumph and deliverance from Hilary, the fake news medya and Nancy Pelosi.

Regrettably the Pope[Rome Again] and the treasonous US Evangelicals are trying to cancel Church attendance that Sunday.

How we show love for most vulnerable':Churches cancel in-person Easte Services usa today
What to do? What to do? Postpone the resurrection until November 3rd ?
Please send your suggestions on a postcard to be received before the Rapture
to Right Rev.President Donald IL Trumpfski
Meggidoh , Garden of Eden
Holy Land 666
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