HRH has just watched Real Madrid give up a lead to Man City
- City won 2-1 in Madrid.
- A cushion of two away goals for the return leg
- De Bruyner scores his first penalty of the season and
- Then Sergio Ramos is sent off.
- Oh and Juve lose to Lille.
- That's in France
While watching the game HRH had been swapping emails with a dear friend and deluded,rabid Sanders supporter.
Today's latest polling came through from Clemson University
I reproduce the email HRH sent during the game [plus a little editing]:
You keep asking for numbers. I have given them to you.
I resend my email post from Sunday.
Just look at the NUMBERS under the section headed FACTS
You make far too much from results in 2 Caucus states plus New Hampshire----2 1/4% of USA population. Predominantly Trumpian.
- Lets see the totals after next Sunday
- By when the population total will have risen to the extraordinary level of just over 3 1/2%
- With a similar proportion of FIRST BALLOT delegates.
- Ninety seven percent [97%] still up for grabs
- There are 775 Super Delegates
- Voting in the second ballot
- That's sixteen percent [16%] of the total
- Almost eight times [8x] the # garnered so far
- Nearly a dozen TIMES Sanders' current total.
CYCLOPS prognoses are based on the the actual numbers so far,
a sceptical review of the polling[look at the number of undecided and soft] and my balls experience.
I will wager that after this Sunday in S.C.
- Biden will be second in the delegate count
- Will have closed the gap on Sanders by half.
- After a dreadful start
- Warren and Klobichar delegate count will cause drying up of money
- One or both dropping out after Super Tuesday.
- Klobichar may even be smart enough to fold this Sunday
Whether Buttigieg can stay in after Super Tuesday we will see.
Either he or Biden will disappoint.
The weaker of the two will come under pressure to back the other.
Want to give me odds on who is ahead after Super Tuesday?
I suspect that Biklobicieg will be lapping Sanders.
Real Madrid just went one up against Man City.
Bale & Kroos still on the bench.
Latest polling data point just announced.For what it is worth:
Biden leads by 18 points in South Carolina
Sanders in third place under the 15% threshold Clemson University
Sanders in third AND under the 15% threshold.
Warren,Butthead and Klobichar all under 10%.
- Polling done before and after debate
- Before the Clyburn endorsement
- Now that's a firewall
- Just one poll.
- Looks too dramatic for me.
- We will see
- Man city equalised 3 minutes ago .
- Now got a penalty .De Bruyner scores.
- Man city 2-1 up away from home.
- Ramos red card. not related to the penalty
- Real Madrid down to 10 men
CYCLOPS NOW ADDING a few points since sending the email to his interlocutor :
- The US stock markets down for fifth day in row
- That statistic is Trump's fave economic boast
- Texas oil price collapsed to under $50/barrel
- Oil patch bankruptcies will accelerate
- China NOT buying promised amounts of soy,pigs etc.
- Two industries about to double down on the joys of "Corporate Socialism"
- Communal riots lead to deaths in Delhi during Trump photo op
- Trump W.H. in total disarray over Coronavirus pandemic
- The stable genius pronouncing it will all be fine as the weather warms up.
- Who is surprised he has no idea of climate in Southern China and South East Asia
- CDC already contradicting W.H. nonsense
- Just a bunch of scientists;what do they know
Hey Democrats --feeling better today?

Stop watching cable news till after next Tuesday.

Must stop now to ignore myself and watch the talking heads on 24/7 cable hyperventilate over Clemson Poll

Tootle Pip
p.s. after watching Manchester City today, Bayern yesterday and Spurs last w/e
I am reviewing my prediction that Mourinho will take Spurs to Champions League
glory this season

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