So CYCLOPS not having a positive run of results this Weekend

The pundits and Medya are having a wonderful time with the Nevada Caucus results
To summarise THEIR Hysteria:
Scenario 1
- Socialist Bernie Sanders is now a shoe in for the Democratic nomination.
- He will split the party and be slaughtered by the Demonic Trump.
Scenario 2
- At the convention the Democratic elite will steal the nomination from the Sainted Sanders.
- The party will disintegrate;
- The Sandernistas will walk out in rage.
- Trump will get a landslide second term running against……?

Scenario 3
- Both of the above plus
- Democrats will lose the House and
- The Senate,
- A dozen more State Houses and
- 35 Governorships.
- The Supreme court will be packed to be permanently reactionary;
- It will rule that a two term limitation is unconstitutional .
- Deny a man's right to choose
- Laws will be passed forbidding criticism of the Great Leader.
- Renaming Dulles Airport and
- Ennobling Ivanka and Jared.
- Pardons for all who stay at Trump hotels for more than 38 days.
There will be death and pestilence on the land.

Cyclops Scenario---TBAnnounced
But for this posting :
Democratic friends take a deep breath, have a cup of tea and consider a few important pieces of data from this weekend.
Chelsea 2 Spurs 1;Wolves 3 Norwich 0;Man United 3 Watford 0; Burnley 3 Bournemouth 0.
Spurs drop from 4th to joint 6/ 7th with SIX teams six or fewer points behind.
As this post is being written, Everton score AT Arsenal in the first minute.
A silver lining?
A mistake by Ruiz –it cannot be.
Who does he think he is Aurier?

OK some facts about the reality of the Democratic contest.
This will be followed tomorrow by a sober analysis,rational reflection and a wishful thinking prognosis.
The current political gestalt of the Democratic race has been greatly shaped by
- the primary process
- the “debates” and
- unintended consequences of past decisions.
Democratic Party expert political geniuses have created a process front loaded by :
1.IOWA a screwed up CAUCUS state :
Population 3.1 million 0.95% of USA and won by Trump by 10%
Population 1.3 million 0.41 % won by Trump narrowly
And then the other CAUCUS state the giant
Population 3.1 million 0.92 % narrowly won by Clinton
Between these three[3] sates a TOTAL population of 7.5 million or 2.28% of USA.
Each of these states have smaller populations than twenty [20] US cities.
Combined: the state of New Nevadiho would rank 38th in population just above Nebraska and New Mexico and would vote decisively for Trump.
Saint Sanders comes from Vermont.The state with
- The whitest,
- Oldest and
- Second smallest population.
Ed: ? Cyclops: Wyoming
At least it votes Democratic

ED: What's your point?
The pundocracy is pontificating and most Democrats panicking as a result of contests in two Caucus states and a third which operates through town meetings.
A total population of under three percent of America and with a clear plurality of Trump supporters—any of whom could vote in this process for selecting a Democratic candidate.
These early states are swamped by the relevance,population and diversity of New York, Michigan,California, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Illinois, Texas, Colorado,Virginia,Florida and on and on.
Coming out of Nevada Sanders is estimated to have won 34 delegates, Buttigieg 23, Warren 8,Klobichar 7 and Biden 6. That’s from all three contests;
a grand total of seventy eight [78]pledged delegates or 2%of the 3,979 total.
- Bernie has the Big Mo,
- Butthead is the next generation’s “real deal”,
- Biden the “come back kid/geezer going in to South Carolina “firewall
- Warren is Warren ,
- While Cyclops outsider Klobichar, ain’t gonna get the money or oxygen after SC unless both B s drop out next Sunday.
South Carolina will allocate sixty three [63]delegates.
For those of the arithmetic persuasion :
- That’s just a dozen or so shy of the total so far
- After SC,141 or a mere 3 1/2% of national delegates will be pledged
- Virginia has more delegates
- Fairfax County alone will have more delegates than Berny after South Carolina
ED:Fairfax County? CYCLOPS: location of the Palace & CIA
By the way SC is an “open” primary i.e. Republicans can vote.
Must be where Ed Milliband got the idea.
Can’t keep a good idea down

No doubt after South Carolina there will be experts who declare
- It's all over
- The Sandernistas rule and
- The Messiah will go on to beat Trump
- All across the industrial mid-west
- With the boosted turnout of his ecstatic,
- Committed base---
- Hispanic Yoof.
They have already written their analysis

- One hundred and forty one[141] delegates is LESS than 20% the 775 dreaded “Super delegates “ of elected officials.
- These delegates will comprise sixteen[16] percent of the TOTAL on the SECOND ballot---when nobody gets enough to win on the first ballot.
- No doubt Bernie will accept that reality with same grace as when he lost to Clinton and
- Rally his troops for the sake of his party
ED: He is an Independent,It’s not his party CYCLOPS: OOPS

Do any of these facts matter?? Who knows??!!
Teaser for Cyclops cool,balanced,wise prognosis tomorrow:
- Will Klobuchar drop out next Sunday and endorse……..
- A Biden/Klobishar ticket or a Buttigieg/Klobishar ticket?
- Any one betting on Bloomberg/Warren?
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