Cyclops is obligated to give an honest prognosis before the Democratic Debate in Charleston tonight.
And restate why a Sanders led ticket will boost Trump' s chances -- again .
But First let us stipulate:
- Sanders has the momentum.
- His economic,health and equality policies are not as extreme as Trump,the Trolls and the Medya claim or imply.
- Let alone as radical as Sanders boasts.
- Much of it is mainstream policy for the UK Tories, and
- Merkel's Christian Democrats
- Let alone Social Democrats across Europe.
- Much of the "difference" between Sanders and Biden,Klobishar,Butiicieg et al is about,structure, timing and practicality
- Not about the objective.
Who on the Democratic stage
- Does NOT want Universal Health Coverage
- Does NOT want Mandatory Parental Leave
- Does NOT want to Increase Taxes on the Wealthy
- Does NOT want to give Citizenship to "the Dreamers"
- Does NOT want to end the separation of families at the border
- Does NOT to ban ownership of assault weapons---OOPS
- That's Sanders
Sanders is a Socialist in his own mind .Not in ownership and control of the means of production,distribution and exchange

Cyclops is unaware that he has advocated:
- Government taking over the Banks
- Government taking over the Pharmaceutical Companies
- Government taking over the Internet
- Government taking over the Amazon or Google
- He has advocated more effective regulation,
- Oversight and legal constraints.
- Since Teddy Roosevelt,who hasn't ?
- The Republicans.
- Not the other contenders for the nomination
- Sanders is NOT Jeremy Corbyn
- By contrast, Sanders reads,writes and can think.
- Corbyn can ONLY speak in slogans
- Sanders just chooses to.
- Sanders' policies are mostly [pace real gun control] mainstream European Social Democratic
- Rather than Democratic Socialist
ED: So what is your problem with Sanders?
- He is the one MOST likely to lose to Trump
- Posturing and Preening as a Democratic Socialist may work in Europe
- But he is running in the USA
- Many of his policy proposals sound good but are half baked
- Unclear and Un-costed
- Begging for unintended consequences
- He has achieved next to nothing in twenty years in the Senate
- He was unhelpful on several Obama initiatives,preferring to grandstand rather than support
- He has now run twice for the Democratic nomination but deigns to join the Democratic party
- He is the one MOST likely to lose to Trump
ED: That's it ?
CYCLOPS: NOT ENOUGH 😡 Sorry lets remind ourselves
CYCLOPS: NOT ENOUGH 😡 Sorry lets remind ourselves
The object of this excercise is to:
- Get Rid of Trump
- Save the Republic
- Get rid of Trump
- Restore the rule of Law
- Get rid of Trump
- Capture the Senate
- Get rid of Trump
- Hold onto the House
- Get rid of Trump
- Restore the Supreme Court
- Get rid of Trump
- Make America Respected Again -MARA
ED:Don't you have a grand daughter named MARA
Just could not resist 

Now Ed et al:
Look in the mirror,sigh and be honest with yourself.
What probability do you give to a
- Divisive
- 79 years old
- Self proclaimed Socialist
- From the northernmost and
- second smallest state
- Who almost all experienced Democrat believe will have no down ballot coattails
- Depends on mobilising & expanding YOOF turnout
- Polls poorly with suburban women in all the swing states and beyond
- Seems insouciant about the risk of tipping the Presidency to Trump--Again and
- Has NOT "played well with others" Winning in November?
Scenario 1 A
Sanders does well in the debate,in the SC primary and on Super Tuesday.
Biden,Buticieg and Klobishar stay in the race hoping to be last centrist standing
Sanders wins on second ballot at a bitter convention
Bloomberg and Styer do not throw their money behind a perceived loser.
Democrats do not win the Senate
Lose seats/control of the House
Scenario 1 B
October Suprise
Sanders having successfully concealed his medical data
has a coronary on October 30th
Democratic turnout in November collapses
Democrats lose the House
Democrats lose senate seats
Democrats lose 20 more Governorships
Democrats lose any influence on redistricting in 42 states
Scenario 2
Biden clearly outperforms tonight
On Saturday in SC primary
On Super Tuesday
Klobichar [CYCLOPS preferred]announces on Sunday she is dropping out
Backs Joe to save the party and the country
The next day Butticieg[CYCLOPS 2nd favourite] does the same.
After doing poorly on Super Tuesday both Bloomberg and Styer commit to spending big time to beat Trump if Biden gets the nomination.
Joe has the MO and wins on the first ballot
Coronavirus slows World and USA economy
West Virginia miners wise up
Trump has to dragged from WH on January 14th
Scenario 3
Cyclops awakes from deep sleep the day after democratic convention
Realises that he has had a bad dream
The ticket is Klobishar/Butticieg
By acclamation on first ballot
Sanders and Biden have dropped out in April
Bloomberg commits to spending another $400 million to MARA
You choose which scenario is most likely,most desirable or most disastrous
The debate starts in five minutes
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