Well lots of interest in tonight's primaries.
Demand for Cyclops to go out on limb and be proved wrong/right?
So be it. The race is between
- Sanders who has advertising,organisation,early votes and Hispanic Yoof [that's derisive cockney for youth].
- Bloomberg who has advertising,money and more money.
- Warren who has passion,ground game,a plan and plan B.
- Biden who has no advertising,little money,thin organisation and BIG MO.
- Tulsi Gabbard who has....beats me.
Cyclops money is on BIG MO .Plus a revitalised candidate,endorsements, decency,suburban women,African Americans and mature democrats
Cyclops predicts :
- A ten+ point jump across the board for Biden since last weekend.
- A win in Virginia and North Carolina.
- Sanders is first with Joe second in all or nearly all the rest.
- Bloomberg does not break the fifteen percent hurdle in more than three states.
- He is unlikely to pick up as many as 120 delegates[out of 1,357 available]
- Possibly none at all.
- Bloomberg concedes and backs Joe by the end of the week.
- Warren disappoints and adds fewer than 100 delegates to her total.
- Sanders and Biden within 100 delegates of each other by end of the night.
Fun Fact: After first 4 contests delegate count is
BUT: South Carolina has nine[9] delegates to choose at a State Convention
Who controls that convention?
Lets be nice,say six[6] to Joe and three[3] to Bernie
Yeah a dead heat

Oh wait a mo [geddit ?] Pete and Amy are out and have endorsed JOE
Who do you think would get their 33 delegates

Cyclops concludes from this data that Joe is in the lead going into Super Tuesday

Coming out 

Polls are closing in Virginia so off to watch the talking heads.
Last thought : If we all start calling Biden "Uncle Joe" do you think Bernie will drop out in deference?
That's a joke the under 50's will not get--neither will the ignoramus in chief.
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