It seems Cyclops concerns about Chaver Sanders are not universally shared 

Several of my closest and oldest [in both senses] friends
have claimed I have

- “Lost it”
- “Denied the faith of my father’s”
- “Panicked in the face of Trumpian Propaganda
- “Disappointed them”
“ Still under a state of shock that a “former” Labor Party member thinks Bernie too far left and thus unelectable in the “capitalist” US of A!!!??!" 

“you are a little hard on Sanders….He is a positive force in the current arena “

“Whether he delivers on anything is neither here nor there, he will move the fulcrum of discourse to the center”

“Bernie will attract the youth vote, more African Americans and Latinos than Bloomberg” 

“IF “over 60” crowd do not vote for the dem candidate if he is bernie, then four more years will be on their heads, not Bernie’s.”

Cyclops agrees with most of Sanders positions in principle.

So do the other Democratic contenders.

Indeed CYCLOPS benefited mightily from such policies growing up in Post War Britain.

TO WIT: the five key elements of his program:
1. Medicare for All ---“all or nothing”.
2. Raise federal minimum wage --$15/hour.
3. Free College Tuition & Cancel student debt—all of it.
4. Eliminate The Electoral College .
The trouble with “all or nothing” is we will get nothing.

Pity he only supports a “voluntary” buyback program for Assault Weapons –wonder why? Do you know any “volunteers”

ALL the Democratic contenders agree [except Bloomberg who is another “independent”] with some version of these and the rest of Sanders Programme.

The differences are in priorities, details, timing and viability of passage.
is not extreme nor are the thresholds.

He advocates rates starting at 1 percent on net worth of more than $32 million and top out at 8 percent on wealth over $10 billion
Cyclops believes starting threshold is too high and is stepped too modestly.
HRH believes the Net worth threshold should be at $2 million above the Royal Family's aggregate

The American electorate --as in all democracies--is very much in favour of taxing the "other guy"

In the support for Sanders I hear clear echoes of British friends justifying electing Corbyn as Labour leader rather than a “Failed Blairite”.
They felt good and progressive denying the old guard in favour of Yooful revolution .
Even if the standard bearer was a 70 year old fool
I berated their foolishness then and reconfirm now.
Corbyn was “democratic” socialist in name only

Sanders is not a Democrat even in name

Real Progressives have a name for “independents” who do not join the party but campaign on their own ego at the expense of their comrades— “Loser”.
Lenin must be giggling

So let’s be clear:
In electoral democracies power to enact reform, protect the weak and build a more just society comes through the ballot box.
That means you HAVE to WIN ELECTIONS.
If we lose again
- because Sanders blows it
- or some of his supporters again stay home
- rather than debase themselves to vote for the nominee
then just imagine the damage to our liberties and values from an unleashed Trump, McConnel, Barr and the Publican enablers.
CYCLOPS wants progressives to have the power.
Pissing in the wind only feels good for a briefest of moments.
What are the three priorities for this election?
Get rid of Trump
Control the Senate
Get rid of Trump
ps. to my faithless camerades--if S gets the nomination Cyclops will vote and hope

He is,after all, NOT Jeremy Corbyn
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