Today is the runoff election for President in Peru
Keiko Fujimori is
the candidate of the “cult of personality “right.
The daughter of ex President Alberto Fujimori currently incarcerated for corruption, murder, kidnapping and abuse of power. He is credited with having saved Peru in the 1990's from the "Marxist" Shining Path Guerrillas-after a Presidential coup in 1992.
Her chief of staff is apparently linked to drug smuggling. As was dad's.
She was educated at Boston University and has an MBA from Colombia University.
PPK, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski the "technocrat" candidate of the centre right.
An ex Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, Minister of Mines and Minister of Finance .All appointed never elected.
He played flute in the National Symphony Orchestra.
He is also an ex World Bank Economics Director and Head of Credit Suisse First Boston Investment Bank.
He was educated at Oxford and Princeton.
Pedro Pablo is not related to Jurgen Kuczynski, reknowned demographer and econometrician from post war East Berlin. Nor to the Savant Irving Kuczynski of Washington DC, also a director at the World Bank who by bizarre coincidence inherited PPK's telephone extension.
He has no connection to the crazy right wing Kaczynski who runs Poland and whose brother, then Polish President, died in a Russian plane crash. Nor to the UNIBOMBER.He does have other relatives.
In the first round of polling Fujimori garnered 40% of the poll and PPK 20%.Keiko is favoured to win today.
From this, I do not draw any general conclusions about the Peruvian preference for the cartel supported daughter of a President who overthrew an elected government and used death squads to impose control,while stashing away bribes and drug money;as compared to a World Bank Economist and flute player.His father was a doctor.
I deduce from their family names that both descend from the original Conquistadores and no doubt will be forced by the Donald to climb "THE WALL". They are not Muslim so perhaps the winner will be allowed in through the “DOOR”.
The daughter of ex President Alberto Fujimori currently incarcerated for corruption, murder, kidnapping and abuse of power. He is credited with having saved Peru in the 1990's from the "Marxist" Shining Path Guerrillas-after a Presidential coup in 1992.
Her chief of staff is apparently linked to drug smuggling. As was dad's.
She was educated at Boston University and has an MBA from Colombia University.
PPK, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski the "technocrat" candidate of the centre right.
An ex Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, Minister of Mines and Minister of Finance .All appointed never elected.
He played flute in the National Symphony Orchestra.
He is also an ex World Bank Economics Director and Head of Credit Suisse First Boston Investment Bank.
He was educated at Oxford and Princeton.
Pedro Pablo is not related to Jurgen Kuczynski, reknowned demographer and econometrician from post war East Berlin. Nor to the Savant Irving Kuczynski of Washington DC, also a director at the World Bank who by bizarre coincidence inherited PPK's telephone extension.
He has no connection to the crazy right wing Kaczynski who runs Poland and whose brother, then Polish President, died in a Russian plane crash. Nor to the UNIBOMBER.He does have other relatives.
In the first round of polling Fujimori garnered 40% of the poll and PPK 20%.Keiko is favoured to win today.
From this, I do not draw any general conclusions about the Peruvian preference for the cartel supported daughter of a President who overthrew an elected government and used death squads to impose control,while stashing away bribes and drug money;as compared to a World Bank Economist and flute player.His father was a doctor.
I deduce from their family names that both descend from the original Conquistadores and no doubt will be forced by the Donald to climb "THE WALL". They are not Muslim so perhaps the winner will be allowed in through the “DOOR”.
Anyway a shout
out for “uncle” Pedro Pablo.
You may recall in my interminable blogs on Saudi Arabia that I was a little sceptical about Prince Mohammed bin Salmans plans to diversify the Saudi Economy by 2030 and to wisely deploy a $2 trillion sovereign wealth fund.
How wrong could I be!Even before the much vaunted IPO of Aramco and with Saudi finacial reserves down by around $180 billion in fifteen months.The following announcement should diminish all concerns.
Saudi wealth fund takes $3.5bn Uber stake
- the $3.5 bn in Uber is largest single investment ever made in a private company.
- the 5% stake values UBER at $70 billion.
- this is greater than 85% of listed companies in the S & P.
- For example Time Warner,Twenty-First Century Fox,BlackRock,Hewlett-Packard, Ford,Dow Chemical and General Motors all fall below $70 billion Market Cap.
- It is equivalent to about 20% of the total market cap of the Saudi Stock market.
- Investment is first made by Saudi PIF since Prince Mohammed installed a new team.
- People"close to the deal"were quoted that PIF attracted to UBER by,inter alia..the possibility that it could help bring more women into the workforce.
- They did not mean as UBER drivers but as customers who can now get to work w/o driving themselves--cos women cannot drive in Saudi.
There is no indication that Warren Buffet has joined the deal.
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