I thought I needed to write a short analysis of why the vote went
the way it did. But I note that there are plenty of pundits out there who
recognise a howl of anger and frustration when they hear it. I attach a URL to
a very fine article by Janice Turner in the London Times. She expresses my
views better than I could myself.
Lest you do not
read this, she argues that the Leave voters took this opportunity to say F**K
YOU to the EU establishment, and the distant arrogant governments in London, Paris,
Bonn Rome etc.That does not mean the other 2/3 who voted Remain or not at all
feel much different.She, I and many others managed to resist cutting off our noses just to spite their faces.
And you panjandrum in Brussels, Strasbourg, Frankfurt and Luxembourg
do not delude yourselves that the British are alone in this frustration and contempt.Do
not conclude that somehow we are racists or petty minded little Englanders.
Immigration is good but out of control, the EU has brought many benefits but
the commission is arrogant, bureaucratic and corrupt. The EU has been part of
what has kept the peace in Europe[only part] but there is a democratic deficit.
We are more cosmopolitan
liberal and tolerant than in generations past. That is to our credit Monsieur
Juncker, not yours.You are the unacceptable face of the EU, the poster boy for
Brexit, Frexit, Nexit and the rest; an unnecessary evil.
Have you ever seen a boxer throw a fight ?
No you haven't.Because it almost never happens.Its too difficult to conceal.Most of the spectators will spot it in instantly.Much easier to do in football.
Comrade Clueless just threw the fight.Think not ? Just watch the videos.
How did his closest friends vote--Galloway -OUT
Piers Corbyn -OUT
Seamus Milne---you think he has changed his views of a lifetime?
What result did Putin want?How about those EU sanctions on Russia because of the Crimean invasionJezza still thinks that Russia is the injured party.Look it up yourself.
To be fair to Jezza he has always viewed the EU as a "Capitalist Club".Which indeed it is.
In the 1974 elections Jeremy worked full time in King Cyclops campaigns for parliament.Party HQ suggested sending in Shirley Williams [leading Labour Cabinet member in favour of joining the EU]for a campaign event.He went ballistic,threatening to resign and what not.He calmed down when he realised that I agreed with him and had already politely informed HQ that I thought somebody else would be more appropriate.The Prime Minister ,Harold Wilson came instead.Its a long story.
He has the same views today as then .ON EVERYTHING.He thinks Venezuela is a better economic model.Again, look it up.This is not a man who has had an original thought in 40 years.Never saw the need for one.He prays not for Brexit but for the collapse of the whole EU economy.A step on the road to revolution and a workers cooperative paradise.Most of the left grew out of these fantasies 2 generations ago,before the collapse of the Soviet Economy.Not Jezza. He is a believer.Think Jehovah's Witness. Evidence shall not sway him nor reality intrude.
Jeremy is a proud Marxist Leninist-Leon Trotsky division;and good luck to him.He might idealise Lenin[the hat and beard are not an accident]but I doubt Lenin would have taken him seriously enough to join Trotsky,Bukharin and Stalin on the Central committee.Just another "useful idiot".
Still just think his performance was just tiredness or revealed a small degree of ambivalence.Well you should hear him when he defends something he actually believes in.
The virtues of Hamas
Piers Corbyn about Jewish influence in the media---oops I mean Zionist influence.
"No, my brother isn’t wrong".
Withdrawing from NATO.
Ken Livingstone is a misunderstood history buff.
Naz Shah [resettle all Israeli Jews in the USA]was not antisemitic,she just
Of course he sabotaged the the Remain campaign.
But so what?Do you really believe that the disaffected and desperate of the Northern Industrial Heartland give a" tinkers f**k" about the views of a deluded Islington trot absorbed in the internecine minutia of the metropolitan left.Anymore than they were waiting for a lead from the Milliband boys.Theirs was a howl of anger and frustration.George Osborne did more than enough to finish off the Remain campaign with his idiotic rants and scare mongering.Too many diet cokes mate.Treating the electorate as fools works fine much of the time-- while they are not paying attention.But when we sit up and take note watch out.If only,if only we --the majority centre left--were better led.
3 quid leader Jeremy Corbyn has proved the worst Labour leader since Ed Milliband--geddit?
In any event,surely the adults in the Labour Party can finally take no more.Getting rid of Corbyn will be the easy bit.Coalescing around a SINGLE alternative will now test those who care more about the Party and its most vulnerable supporters than their own Lilliputian ambitions.I mean you,Prince across the water banana man--amongst others Chuka old boot.OK. I am now getting too inside baseball.
I will stop here,watch George Gently on the telly and prepare for England to defeat brave Iceland--or not.
I have been instructed by the Cyclop Ducheses, Woodford and Fortune to stop piddling around and give guidance.I will work on this and publish anon.
In the meantime: Remember Parliament has not voted yet.Whatever the idiot Jean Claude Juncker may want.We are still fully paid up members. The fat lady has yet to sing.
Courages mes Braves Kameraden lässt Rallye Avanti Populo solidarność זייַ געזונט [zay gezunt]
I await the call at Great Falls deux églises
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