Monday, June 27, 2016


Events are moving faster than i anticipated.Major pressure from my court for King Cyclops to make predictions for the future.But its hard enough making predictions on the past!

I note that more and more commentators are waking up to the fact that the REFERENDUM is not binding on Parliament.I do not have time now to give all my "reasoning" so here are some prediction


  • Many Members of Parliament will vote their conscience and reject the referendum
  • The Lords are unelected....
  • The UK will not leave the EU
  •  Head of a major country in the EU will soon make a speech stating that "the EU has been deaf to the legitimate concerns of the European people " time has come for a radical review and overhaul of EU rules" and the way the EU operates.
  • Corbyn deposed.Idiot  MILLIBAND gave us the 3 QUID voter..The adults will remove him.
  • The YOOF may now reconsider!
  • Theresa May beats Bonking Boris.
  • Election called before end of year.
  • The four major UK  parties led by a REMAIN politician 
  • The whole michigas[madness] will be reversed within a year.Looking for a bookie to take my bet.
  • Buyers Remorse Rules

From a Duchess:More  a hope than a prediction: J-C Junket (that was an auto correct but I'll leave it as it's so appropriate) will be a mere baddie that we frighten our children with when we tell them what it was like in the bad old days.


  I have received multiple responses /questions on the Brexit issue.A summary/ sampling below, followed by a response.sorry about some repetition but the QUEEN  needs to use  this PC so I need to PUBLSH NOW. 

Q:Do you think the new referendum has legs?  Is legal basis clear?

  • a general election will come sooner rather than later; a new Prime Minister is necessary so as to lead the exit negotiations with the EU;
  • Labour is dysfunctional, partly as most of Jeremy's shadow cabinet believe that his - non - leadership in the referendum was intrinsic to the negative result:
  •  various commentators choose to now see that the referendum result effectively sidelines a whole political class, from both main parties.
  • the UK is now in a severe constitutional crisis. 
  • Only Putin and Trump are happy with the result
  •  UK may ask[itself] for and get a do-over
  • If I were Scottish, I would certainly want out of the UK in order to stay in the EU.There goes the oil... 

Yes legal basis is clear.
 It has no legal weight. 
Parliament can do what it likes.
Please see blog from June 13 .   BREXIT--  FOOD FOR THOUGHT  
  To my surprise and satisfaction [self congratulatory pat on back] things are beginning to pan out as speculated. Only faster than I imagined:
            1. Markets panicked ,not just in UK but everywhere ,against the dollar sterling went from  $1.50   to 1.36 to the pound-           -[-9.3%]
euro from  $1.14 to1.09 to the euro  [-4.4%]
major stock markets down from 3-8%,with ironically the Uk at the lower end of that range and Germany at the higher end.
We will see what this week brings.
         2.Cameron resigned. Bookies and the Pundits tip Boris Johnson, a leading Brexit Tory to get the leadership. So expect Theresa May, a moderate non hysterical Remain cabinet member to get it!
        3.Blood on the floor over Labour's Corbyn dreadful campaign. See todays blog "Corbyn -Exeunt Stage Left" .Since that blog  twelve  out of  30 members of Labours shadow cabinet have resigned .More are expected tomorrow[Monday]
       4.I think he is done either by Tuesday or after the party annual conference in October.                             The new leader will be more enthusiastically REMAIN than Corbyn.
       5. The Liberal Democrats have pledged to take Britain back into the EU, claiming the Brexit was secured on a campaign of lies.
       6. All these leadership elections will allow the Brits to delay going to a Parliamentary vote before their party conferences after the summer.
       7.They will find an excuse to call an election for a new mandate. Easily done either through a quick vote in the House of Commons or the PM going to the queen.
       8. The 3 major parties and the Scot.Nats will be led by REMAIN politicians.
        9. For those who follow such things depending on who labour chooses I will bet 2 or 3 will be led by competent women REMAIN candidates. Ironically the fourth will be led by a rather pathetic male--also REMAIN.
     10.The quality of the election debate will be much better and more sober.
      11.Most astonishing to me:  a petition to effectively nullify this vote and hold a new referendum under more strict rules-minimum turnout and majority rules and to make it binding if result meets these rules- has been signed by 3.5 million people in 2 days.That's equivalent to over 10% of those who voted on Thursday and is extremely unlikely to be only REMAIN voters.
      I am really looking forward to Tuesdays Labour MPs internal vote and the first debates in both the Commons and Lords.
Of course the "Statesmen " of Europe,led by Monsieur Juncker are calling for the UK to arrange a swift exit. Idiots.I recommend that a period of silent reflection would be a wiser strategy.

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