I will respond to the emails on the Brexit result after I catch up on some sleep.
In the meantime the answer to yesterday's question.
"A Tory party leadership election between two Old Etonian Chums:
Bonking Boris -LEAVE
Gormless George -REMAIN
The answer is Theresa May
- She is NOT an Old Etonian,its all male and the only way she would have got in would have been as a serving wench.
- For those with no clue about the minutia of British Politicians.Think Margaret Thatcher with
- She is currently Home Secretary.
- Smarter and tougher than the Posh Boys and will make mincemeat of Clueless Corbyn in a general election.
As to my immediate response I copy below a slightly redacted email chain within the Royal Family.Excuse the mushiness towards the Princelings I am that kind of GRAND father.
Crown Prince Daniel:
A lot of really sad/shocked people at Glasto this morning :(
Duchess Fortune:
We're all moving to America. Clear out the basement. Until The Donald becomes POTUS.
Queen Cyclops:
Never mind the basement, you can have the entire top floor, no one uses it. Another plus, we have opened the pool. When should we expect you.
Duchess Woodford:
Tomorrow? We can stay for good, or at least until your elections. Then we will see if the Americans are as crazy as the Brits!!! xxx
Queen Cyclops:
Pack you bags. I'll try to find a private jet to send.
Duchess Fortune:
I note the invitation comes from you noble Queen.. My brother is keeping quiet on this one....
King Cyclops Memo to the Royal Family:
Regret my tardy response.
Went to bed at mid night .Got to sleep around 2/2:300.Just woken by the Queen with final results and to inform me that David Cameron has fallen on his sword.Apparently not literally.I have to go comfort grandsons.Prince Lachland ,Duke of Puke[10 months] is particularly concerned about the feedback to the Trump campaign.Prince Desmond,Baron of the Bus[30 months] is more concerned about the Constitutional Issues--and why that Mrs.Thatcher person stopped him getting British Nationality.
As to your request for asylum ,so graciously granted by Queen Cyclops, I will try to get The Donald's jet phone number,see if you can get a ride on his way back from Scotland.Prince Desmond thrilled that his Aunties, the Duchesses of Woodford and of Fortis are coming to stay. He burst into a spontaneous verse of: ay loo loo loo.
I am sending my check towards buying that pig for Cameron. Analogies between pig in a poke and the referendum are there somewhere. Or is it poke in a pig in Cameron's case?
We will have to send secret emissaries to our far flung relatives. Just in case we all need Asylum after The Donald wins.
Monarch of all he surveys.Which aint much.
Addendum to the email chain:
We will have to send secret emissaries to our far flung relatives. Just in case we all need Asylum after The Donald wins.

Addendum to the email chain:
It was really depressing to listen to the few pols who put heads above parapet once result clear.
Not one speculated on their responsibilities in a representative democracy. Just parroting that this is "what the people decided".This despite one interviewer pressing on the wisdom and constitutionality of such a small margin in a referendum determining how our elected representatives then vote in parliament.
In the short run: there will be some financial dislocation[panic?]. I predict that the polls will indicate firmer support for Brexit and "Britain can do it" sentiment .This is cognitive dissonance avoidance.
Once the implications sink in watch for significant buyers remorse. Hopefully that will be very clear before parliament votes.
The "Lords to the Rescue"?
An election under new leadership before the vote?
An election under new leadership before the vote?
The fat lady has yet to sing.
Originally 6 countries shared a Common Agricultural Policy, which in turn became the Common Market. Less bureaucracy, hurdles, & the free movement of goods was the original aim, together with peaceful coexistence between France and Germany.
ReplyDeleteThe EEC (European Economic Community) was the next stage. Sadly 'power corrupts' & the formation of the EU led to a hunger for European Integration. The EU grew to 28 states, and started to act, in my opinion ' beyond its remit. Accounts for the EU have not been 'signed off' for years.
'Absolute power corrupts absolutely', and the EU became a 'gravy train', losing sight of its original objectives.
These are some of the reasons why the British opted OUT .. the EU is out of control !