Come Clintonistas Lets Rally--We are almost There.
Many of the most loyal Clintonistas amongst my friends have been in increasing despair.
Less about the Bern than about her own self inflicted wounds.
- The "bloody emails"
- The refusal to cooperate with the State Department IG review
- Those damn Goldman Sachs Speeches.
- The Defensive Crouch within a second rate inner circle.
- The Implications of Shady Money and the Clinton Foundation
But by tomorrow night it will be the "End of the Beginning" .
If She Wins both New Jersey AND California,Hossanahs will rise to the heavens--or at least to the Hotel's Presidential Suite.
If not she will still have enough delegates--just without the Hossanahs.
Bernie will find it easier to bow out if Hillary wins California.A bit harder if not.Its all been such fun for an old Chaver.What a last Hurrah!And last year you were not even a Democrat.
So you have had the call from Barack,blessed be he,and the [Democratic] people,if not the proletariat, have spoken.You are respected and liked.Don't push your luck get out NOW.
The priority is to stop Trump,a Democratic Senate is within reach,and with it a more progressive Supreme Court;and with luck and effort maybe a Democratic House.Maybe next time,but with Donald's help who knows maybe next time is now.Gracefully concede Wednesday Morn,rally your supporters and bring that army into the field to recapture State Houses and Governorships.Avanti Bernie!
Hillary has that most valuable of all the Clinton Political Assets-LUCK.
Joe Biden was too hurt to enter the race.A Mench and the best President we will never have. and
The negative,nabobs of the GOP have cowardly folded and handed their birthright to Donald's ReTRUMPian Party.
You think we could have had a more clueless opponent to Trump[f]?
Tell that to Judge Gonsalo Curiel--[Oh Read the Papers!]
Tell that to Judge Gonsalo Curiel--[Oh Read the Papers!]
Trump University
Money for the Vets
Money for the Vets
Book Royalties to Charity
Hispanic Judges are against him --cos "I'm building a Wall"
That's just this week and the oppo campaign has not even begun.
In addition to the above:
Four Bankruptcies
Four Bankruptcies
Mob Money
Miss Universe
Sexual Harassment
False Accounting
Racial Bias in His Rental Housing Empire --thanks Dad!
Undocumented Polish Building workers
Tenant Intimidation
Casino Infractions and Fines
Anti Trust indictments
In addition,Trump refuses to Release Tax Returns--but then Bernie is stalling too and will be out of the race before he releases them.He can't have made a killing selling Goldman Sachs Stock--can he?
And Trump is constantly changing his policy positions--sometime within a single sentence.
If you had as much baggage as the Clintons could you imagine a more preferable opponent?
So comrades hold your noses and march.Its Hillary or the Abyss
PS "Kuczynski holds slim lead in cliffhanger election"
Uncle Pedro Pablo,77, is making a fight of it in Peru.
Its never too late.
Aint life grand.
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