Monday, June 20, 2016

John Oliver Ditty

Well BREXIT  is being taken seriously by not just the Brits.
A couple of people have posted their comments in the blog commentary space but more have sent me direct emails.I have copied  a couple of strings below.

But you may wish to to get a quick English view from John Oliver's Ditty below.

[John Oliver is an English satirist with a half hour show on the Comedy Channel--on offshoot of the John Steward Daily Show.]

                                                                     "Our main story tonight is Donald Trump.
                                            I say that knowing every time his name is said he has a shattering orgasm"

  I will now settle in for the England vs Slovakia game which will determine the outcome of the referendum

  An email string with senders names removed:  Except for mine.

         -----Original Message-----
From: ikuczynski <>

you might enjoy this too

Irving Kuczynski              

From: ikuczynski <>

I hate to be picky as I agree with his constitutional "facts" but he irritated me when he claimed "scientific evidence" that the EU was "beneficial" across all sectors. This is not science it is a civil service run series of opinion polls--over several years and the "most comprehensive ever". Well OK but they are still opinion polls NOT scientific evidence.

          Anyway he is obviously spot on about the legal issues etc. One thing he mentioned ---just in a phrase--was that the automatic supremacy given by UK courts to  EU Laws was NOT in the treaty but was passed by Parliament. Presumably for "efficiency" reasons.If I heard that correctly then Parliament can change the situation.

If anybody out there knows the substance of this then please send me a link to the argument---thanks

  By the way following my you tube viewing of your link the following came on. Enjoy it


                        Jonathan Pie Referendum Special

Irving Kuczynski

  an interesting lawyers view

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