The polls close in 33 minutes.So some final sneers before King Cyclops has any information on the turnout or exit polls.
Its raining cats and dogs.A favourite expression combining the Bitish obsession with the weather and affection for their pets.
Nothing would be more ironic than the future destiny of Britain being determined by the weather in South London 4 days before the start of Wimbledon
By the time many read this the result will be known and i give you just a few sage commentaries in advance.
“The people have spoken…the bastards.” –
Dick Tuck, after losing a race in California to Richard Nixon.
The debate has been dreadful

but the result still counts or not as the case may be.
There will be much interpretation:
This from a man who should know
For the past 20 years this famous philosopher has been pondering the eternal question :
What The Meaning of "Is" Is
Now: what is the meaning of LEAVE or REMAIN in a parliamentary democracy?
For the Christians Amongst You
In 1934 Germany held a plebiscite to confirm Hitler as Fuehrer--90% voted yes
In 1938 there was a plebiscite in Austria to confirm the Anchsluss with German
That sentimental chap Hitler wanted to be reunited with his homeland.
Stalin and Mussolini also were big on plebiscites
Whatever happens: Cameron must go.
A pigs head as his farewell gift.
A Tory party leadership election between two Old Etonian Chums:
Bonking Boris -LEAVE
Gormless George -REMAIN
I think it's safe to say that the pig was definitely the loser.
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ReplyDeleteHere's hoping its 'au revoir EU - Hello Europe'
ReplyDeleteIf the UK now has to renegotiate each trade dealwith each country in order to be able export its goods and services, why would I establish a facility in the UK rather than in a EU country. If they opt for the Norway deal, the costs of the deal will be huge with the UK having zero say rather than being inside and being one of the 3 big boys. What a screw up!
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ReplyDeleteSorry, typo, I meant the Scots will want out of the UK to stay in the EU as they voted.
ReplyDeleteSorry, typo, I meant the Scots will want out of the UK to stay in the EU as they voted.