Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ireland 1 France 0

 First the important stuff.
I have just sat down to write this blog on Clueless Corbyn  while watching  France vs Ireland.Ireland have scored from a penalty in the second minute.



The French and Irish have been "Brothers' for 500 years-common English enemy.
Just for this game Solidarity,Egalite,Fraternite are suspended.

France have much the better team but Justice must be Done
                                   Thierry Henri Keep your Hands in your Pocket

My only problem is that as I hear the French Fans sing La Marseillaise my eyes tear up and I begin to March.

King Cyclops must send this out Immediately before half time.Today we are ALL IRISH.Queen Cyclop's [nee Kennedy]brogue is getting thicker by the second.

footnotes: The most popular French Brandy                   Hennesy
               General De Gaule's great grandmother            Marie Angelique McCartan
               The only Irish cultural center in the world        Paris
 Robespierre's Jacobins inspired the creation of Irish Repulicanism;although English oppression was a greater motivator.

  An Irish  friend has just sent me this DEVOTIONAL picture given to him by his devout Catholic Grandmother.

 Its half time .The Clueless Corbyn Blog must wait

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