The Pundits are now treating us to Speculative Gibberish on who Hillary and Trump[f] will pick as their running mates.
Up until yesterday there was much talk of BERNIE.I doubt any of the Pundits really believed their own BS.What would a 72 year old Socialist from Vermont bring? His supporters.It is a wonderment to hear "experts" concocting theories on how much of Bernies "young" supporters could go to Trump.If Hillary can't get them anyway she is in more trouble than even ReTRUMPian fantasists dare hope.
Favourite de jour,Elizabeth WARREN.I saw her give a terrific put down of Trump[f] yesterday.She is very smart and has well thought through radical views/policies on the financial system,employment and inequality.She represents the thinking left of the Democrats.

I think she is a better spokesman for these issues than Chaver Sanders.
When she ran for the Senate--because the idiot rePUBLICANs denied her a confirmation as the chief regulator on consumer finance protection--she looked gauche and uncomfortable on the stump.Not a "natural" politician.Boy has she learned.Very effective in the Senate on policy,savvy on avoiding the "gal" trap by withholding her endorsement of Hillary and now a very effective stump warrior against Dodgy Donald.
But as for Bernie her "constituency"has no where to go but Hillary.If she were to be chosen then the Democrats would be doubling down on two white,liberal,baby boomer 70ish,women lawyers.Warren would be 77 at the end of Hillary's second term and even if Hill loses after the first she would not be eligible to run till she was 77.
She does not bring any addition to the ticket and will anyway campaign as an attack dog against Trump[f]--she is enjoying it and knows it enhances her power in a likely majority Senate when Hillary takes office.
And Massachusetts has a Republican governor.
The Clinton team will let the speculation on her run for a while to play the news cycles.
As to others I have note changed my views since the the 10th MAY
BLOG "THE DEMOCRATIC VEEP" --cut,paste and comments. Below.
Hillary's Team is in process of touching the Democratic Party's Erogenous Zones
They will allow names to be floated to tickle various constituencies
Hispanics---HUD Secretary and ex mayor Julian Castro;his twin,Texas Rep Joaquin Castro or Labor Secretary Tom Perez .Whats the point?Trump is doing the Dems work here.A vast and effective registration drive and more to come.Al three will want power and influence in/with the Clinton administration and will work their butts off campaigning.
African Americans---New Jersey Senator and ex Mayor Corey Booker;Deval Patrick ex Mass Governor.As for Hispanics.No Obama cannot be the VP--pity.
Women---Senators Elizabeth Warren,Mass.and Amy Klobuchar,Minn.Well ,as said above what is the point on doubling down.I am a fan of both and Klobuchar is the right age.She will make a good leader of a Democratic Senate.
Progressives---Senators Sherrod Brown[Ohio],Al Franken[Minn],Warren,Klobuchar and Tom Perez.
Swing States--Sherrod Brown,Senator;ex governor Senator Mark Warner of Va.
Pro-Choice ---All of the above.
Hillary's main electoral weakness is white working class males.Trumps main strength is with white working class males.The campaign should not write off such an important constituency.
Trump[f] appeals to their resentments,fears and prejudices.She needs to reach out to their better angels.She should choose a white male,with a record of winning this vote in a large,swing state with a Democratic governor[to appoint his successor].He should ideally have a good record of executive experience and an ability to stay cool under pressure.
Swing State Virginia Senator. Successful ex Governor and ex Mayor of Richmond.In addition he has Fluent Spanish and a progressive record as governor of what has been a conservative state.He is a practicing Catholic who worked in Honduras running a trade school during a sabbatical from Harvard Law School.He is personally against abortion but believes this is a private matter and opposes overturning Roe vs Wade.Do not underestimate the benefit of his Catholic faith to the American white working class.
He is a clean {boring?}family man,no hint of scandal,likeable,loyal,reliable and experienced.This is a genuine non-narcissistic,intelligent,well versed,decent man--the ANTI-TRUMP[f].
I am obviously not the only one to tip KAINE but the Clinton campaign has been floating Warren et al. The Hispanic and Black contenders will all get their days in the sun of speculation.The less you hear short term about Kaine the more likely the choice has already been made.
[ While I have been typing this --I type very slowly--England have let in a Russian goal in the 93rd minute!Thrown away a victory that was in the bag.I will now probably watch the England /Wales in bed on Thursday--its on at 9am here.]
THE reTRUMPian Veep
Really not much to say about this.What Republican pol in his/her right mind would want the job?
If you get get the job AND TRUMP[f] wins.You can look forward to four years to continual embarrassment and misery,with no ability to influence either policy or his ranting.You will also have alienated the Publican establishment and donor class.Unless you are a billionaire you need them more than they need you.Unless you are deluded enough to think a TRUMP[f] presidency will be a triumph there is nothing but misery in your future.
If you get the job and TRUMP[f] loses.You will be a pariah in the Publican party.
So you would have to be nuts to accept let alone want this job.So you explain to me why Rick Perry is campaigning for the job and bully boy Chris Christie has his nose so close up Trumps brain.
Anyway TRUMP[f] will not choose a white male.Cos he is YUGE on giving women a chance.
Sarah Palin sure has the campaigning experience.Jan Brewer is nasty enough.Michele Bachman has the intellect.
Carly Fiorina and Megan Kelly definitely not on the list.More smart and independant than is neccessary as far as the Donald is concerned.
But my sources tell me that the Donald favours either Betty Cantrell or Nina Davuluri.
Who ? Miss America 2016 &2014.
I understand that Nina Davuluri is the best tip.She is from a swing state New York,Young enough to run for President in 2024.Daughter of Indian immigrants--not native Americans,that's Pochahantas Warren --and Trump[f] believes that Nina should take care of the brown vote.But not too brown.
Sorry ladies I daresay you actually vote democrat.
An Impressive Bunch
. Hillary's main electoral weakness is white working class males.Trumps main strength is with white working class males.The campaign should not write off such an important constituency.
Trump[f] appeals to their resentments,fears and prejudices.She needs to reach out to their better angels.She should choose a white male,with a record of winning this vote in a large,swing state with a Democratic governor[to appoint his successor].He should ideally have a good record of executive experience and an ability to stay cool under pressure.
Swing State Virginia Senator. Successful ex Governor and ex Mayor of Richmond.In addition he has Fluent Spanish and a progressive record as governor of what has been a conservative state.He is a practicing Catholic who worked in Honduras running a trade school during a sabbatical from Harvard Law School.He is personally against abortion but believes this is a private matter and opposes overturning Roe vs Wade.Do not underestimate the benefit of his Catholic faith to the American white working class.
He is a clean {boring?}family man,no hint of scandal,likeable,loyal,reliable and experienced.This is a genuine non-narcissistic,intelligent,well versed,decent man--the ANTI-TRUMP[f].
I am obviously not the only one to tip KAINE but the Clinton campaign has been floating Warren et al. The Hispanic and Black contenders will all get their days in the sun of speculation.The less you hear short term about Kaine the more likely the choice has already been made.
[ While I have been typing this --I type very slowly--England have let in a Russian goal in the 93rd minute!Thrown away a victory that was in the bag.I will now probably watch the England /Wales in bed on Thursday--its on at 9am here.]
THE reTRUMPian Veep
Really not much to say about this.What Republican pol in his/her right mind would want the job?
If you get get the job AND TRUMP[f] wins.You can look forward to four years to continual embarrassment and misery,with no ability to influence either policy or his ranting.You will also have alienated the Publican establishment and donor class.Unless you are a billionaire you need them more than they need you.Unless you are deluded enough to think a TRUMP[f] presidency will be a triumph there is nothing but misery in your future.
If you get the job and TRUMP[f] loses.You will be a pariah in the Publican party.
So you would have to be nuts to accept let alone want this job.So you explain to me why Rick Perry is campaigning for the job and bully boy Chris Christie has his nose so close up Trumps brain.
Anyway TRUMP[f] will not choose a white male.Cos he is YUGE on giving women a chance.
Sarah Palin sure has the campaigning experience.Jan Brewer is nasty enough.Michele Bachman has the intellect.
Carly Fiorina and Megan Kelly definitely not on the list.More smart and independant than is neccessary as far as the Donald is concerned.
But my sources tell me that the Donald favours either Betty Cantrell or Nina Davuluri.
Who ? Miss America 2016 &2014.
Sorry ladies I daresay you actually vote democrat.
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