Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cyclop Epistle to the People of Britain

                                                           Ever Been Had?

Campaign Promise :

 We'll give EU cash to the National Health Service "enough to build a brand new, fully staffed ... hospital every week" 


"No I can't [guarantee it], and I would never have made that claim. That was one of the mistakes that I think the Leave campaign made,"—Nigel Farage


The campaign didn't say "all" of it would go to the NHS but "a significant amount of it" would.---Ian Duncan Smith

Campaign Promise :

"We'll take control of the UK's borders"  -immigration was key to Brexit campaign

  • "I cannot stress too much that Britain is part of Europe – and always will be--British people will still be able to go and work in the EU; to live; to travel; to study; to buy homes and to settle down[Cyclops: vice versa?] "It is said that those who voted Leave were mainly driven by anxieties about immigration-- I do not believe that is so -   Boris Johnson yesterday.
  • “EU citizens will still be able to live and work in Britain and British people will enjoy the same privileges across the EU”
  • Johnson reportedly sought to reassure Remain voters the UK will continue to "intensify" cooperation with the EU and told his fellow Leave supporters they must accept the 52-48 referendum win was "not entirely overwhelming". 

Nigel Farage warns Boris may be back pedalling on EU immigration promises made in campaign—daily express
                                              Need I Go On
                                 TO BORIS etal:                               FROM ELECTORATE:


                                  Do Bad things come in Threes
  •          Friday                         BREXIT
  •          Monday                     ICELAND RULES
  •          Thursday                   QUEEN ABDICATES—Charles Invites Corbyn to Palace                                                                            [to join conversation with the plants]
PS: I asked one of Jeremy’s old icons. What he thought of his campaign to help the REMAIN vote.


Monday, June 27, 2016


Events are moving faster than i anticipated.Major pressure from my court for King Cyclops to make predictions for the future.But its hard enough making predictions on the past!

I note that more and more commentators are waking up to the fact that the REFERENDUM is not binding on Parliament.I do not have time now to give all my "reasoning" so here are some prediction


  • Many Members of Parliament will vote their conscience and reject the referendum
  • The Lords are unelected....
  • The UK will not leave the EU
  •  Head of a major country in the EU will soon make a speech stating that "the EU has been deaf to the legitimate concerns of the European people " time has come for a radical review and overhaul of EU rules" and the way the EU operates.
  • Corbyn deposed.Idiot  MILLIBAND gave us the 3 QUID voter..The adults will remove him.
  • The YOOF may now reconsider!
  • Theresa May beats Bonking Boris.
  • Election called before end of year.
  • The four major UK  parties led by a REMAIN politician 
  • The whole michigas[madness] will be reversed within a year.Looking for a bookie to take my bet.
  • Buyers Remorse Rules

From a Duchess:More  a hope than a prediction: J-C Junket (that was an auto correct but I'll leave it as it's so appropriate) will be a mere baddie that we frighten our children with when we tell them what it was like in the bad old days.


  I have received multiple responses /questions on the Brexit issue.A summary/ sampling below, followed by a response.sorry about some repetition but the QUEEN  needs to use  this PC so I need to PUBLSH NOW. 

Q:Do you think the new referendum has legs?  Is legal basis clear?

  • a general election will come sooner rather than later; a new Prime Minister is necessary so as to lead the exit negotiations with the EU;
  • Labour is dysfunctional, partly as most of Jeremy's shadow cabinet believe that his - non - leadership in the referendum was intrinsic to the negative result:
  •  various commentators choose to now see that the referendum result effectively sidelines a whole political class, from both main parties.
  • the UK is now in a severe constitutional crisis. 
  • Only Putin and Trump are happy with the result
  •  UK may ask[itself] for and get a do-over
  • If I were Scottish, I would certainly want out of the UK in order to stay in the EU.There goes the oil... 

Yes legal basis is clear.
 It has no legal weight. 
Parliament can do what it likes.
Please see blog from June 13 .   BREXIT--  FOOD FOR THOUGHT  
  To my surprise and satisfaction [self congratulatory pat on back] things are beginning to pan out as speculated. Only faster than I imagined:
            1. Markets panicked ,not just in UK but everywhere ,against the dollar sterling went from  $1.50   to 1.36 to the pound-           -[-9.3%]
euro from  $1.14 to1.09 to the euro  [-4.4%]
major stock markets down from 3-8%,with ironically the Uk at the lower end of that range and Germany at the higher end.
We will see what this week brings.
         2.Cameron resigned. Bookies and the Pundits tip Boris Johnson, a leading Brexit Tory to get the leadership. So expect Theresa May, a moderate non hysterical Remain cabinet member to get it!
        3.Blood on the floor over Labour's Corbyn dreadful campaign. See todays blog "Corbyn -Exeunt Stage Left" .Since that blog  twelve  out of  30 members of Labours shadow cabinet have resigned .More are expected tomorrow[Monday]
       4.I think he is done either by Tuesday or after the party annual conference in October.                             The new leader will be more enthusiastically REMAIN than Corbyn.
       5. The Liberal Democrats have pledged to take Britain back into the EU, claiming the Brexit was secured on a campaign of lies.
       6. All these leadership elections will allow the Brits to delay going to a Parliamentary vote before their party conferences after the summer.
       7.They will find an excuse to call an election for a new mandate. Easily done either through a quick vote in the House of Commons or the PM going to the queen.
       8. The 3 major parties and the Scot.Nats will be led by REMAIN politicians.
        9. For those who follow such things depending on who labour chooses I will bet 2 or 3 will be led by competent women REMAIN candidates. Ironically the fourth will be led by a rather pathetic male--also REMAIN.
     10.The quality of the election debate will be much better and more sober.
      11.Most astonishing to me:  a petition to effectively nullify this vote and hold a new referendum under more strict rules-minimum turnout and majority rules and to make it binding if result meets these rules- has been signed by 3.5 million people in 2 days.That's equivalent to over 10% of those who voted on Thursday and is extremely unlikely to be only REMAIN voters.
      I am really looking forward to Tuesdays Labour MPs internal vote and the first debates in both the Commons and Lords.
Of course the "Statesmen " of Europe,led by Monsieur Juncker are calling for the UK to arrange a swift exit. Idiots.I recommend that a period of silent reflection would be a wiser strategy.




Sunday, June 26, 2016


I thought I needed to write a short analysis of why the vote went the way it did. But I note that there are plenty of pundits out there who recognise a howl of anger and frustration when they hear it. I attach a URL to a very fine article by Janice Turner in the London Times. She expresses my views better than I could myself.

Lest you do not read this, she argues that the Leave voters took this opportunity to say F**K YOU to the EU establishment, and the distant arrogant governments in London, Paris, Bonn Rome etc.That does not mean the other 2/3 who voted Remain or not at all feel much different.She, I and many others managed to resist cutting off our noses just to spite their faces.

And you panjandrum in Brussels, Strasbourg, Frankfurt and Luxembourg do not delude yourselves that the British are alone in this frustration and contempt.Do not conclude that somehow we are racists or petty minded little Englanders. Immigration is good but out of control, the EU has brought many benefits but the commission is arrogant, bureaucratic and corrupt. The EU has been part of what has kept the peace in Europe[only part] but there is a democratic deficit.

 We are more cosmopolitan liberal and tolerant than in generations past. That is to our credit Monsieur Juncker, not yours.You are the unacceptable face of the EU, the poster boy for Brexit, Frexit, Nexit and the rest; an unnecessary evil.


                      Have you ever seen a boxer throw a fight ?

      No you haven't.Because it almost never happens.Its too difficult to conceal.Most of the spectators will spot it in instantly.Much easier to do in football.

     Comrade Clueless just threw the fight.Think not ? Just watch the videos.
How did his closest friends vote--Galloway -OUT
                                                   Piers Corbyn -OUT
                                    Seamus  Milne---you think he has changed his views of a lifetime?

 What result did Putin want?How about those EU sanctions on Russia because of  the Crimean invasionJezza still thinks that Russia is the injured party.Look it up yourself.

 To be fair to Jezza he has always viewed the EU as a "Capitalist Club".Which indeed it is.
 In the 1974 elections Jeremy worked full time in King Cyclops campaigns for parliament.Party HQ suggested sending in Shirley Williams [leading Labour Cabinet member in favour of joining the EU]for a campaign event.He went ballistic,threatening to resign and what not.He calmed down when he realised that I agreed with him and had already politely informed HQ that I thought somebody else would be more appropriate.The Prime Minister ,Harold Wilson came  instead.Its a long story.

He has the same views today as then .ON EVERYTHING.He thinks Venezuela is a better economic model.Again, look it up.This is not a man who has had an original thought in 40 years.Never saw the need for one.He prays not for Brexit but for the collapse of the whole EU economy.A step on the road to revolution and a workers cooperative paradise.Most of the left grew out of these fantasies  2 generations ago,before the collapse of the Soviet Economy.Not Jezza. He is a believer.Think Jehovah's Witness. Evidence shall not sway him nor reality intrude.

 Jeremy is a proud Marxist Leninist-Leon Trotsky division;and good luck to him.He might idealise Lenin[the hat and beard are not an accident]but I doubt Lenin would have taken him seriously enough to join Trotsky,Bukharin and Stalin on the Central committee.Just another "useful idiot".

 Still just think his performance was just tiredness or revealed a small degree of ambivalence.Well you should hear him when he defends something he actually believes in.
                     The virtues of Hamas
                     Piers Corbyn about Jewish influence in the media---oops I mean Zionist influence.
                    "No, my brother isn’t wrong".
                    Withdrawing from NATO.
                    Ken Livingstone is a misunderstood history buff.
                    Naz Shah [resettle all Israeli Jews in the USA]was not antisemitic,she just

            Of course he sabotaged the the Remain campaign.

But so what?Do you really believe that the disaffected and desperate of the Northern Industrial Heartland give a" tinkers f**k" about the views of a deluded Islington trot absorbed in the internecine minutia of the metropolitan left.Anymore than they were waiting for a lead from the Milliband boys.Theirs was a howl of anger and frustration.George Osborne did more than enough to finish off the Remain campaign with his idiotic rants and scare mongering.Too many diet cokes mate.Treating the electorate as fools works fine much of the time-- while they are not paying attention.But when we sit up and take note watch out.If only,if only we --the majority centre left--were better led.

 3 quid  leader Jeremy Corbyn  has proved the worst Labour leader since Ed Milliband--geddit?

 In any event,surely the adults in the Labour Party can finally take no more.Getting rid of Corbyn will be the easy bit.Coalescing around a SINGLE alternative will now test those who care more about the Party and its most vulnerable supporters than their own Lilliputian ambitions.I mean you,Prince across the water banana man--amongst others Chuka old boot.OK. I am now getting too inside baseball.

 I will stop here,watch George Gently on the telly and prepare for England to defeat  brave Iceland--or not.

I have been instructed by the Cyclop Ducheses, Woodford and Fortune to stop piddling around and give guidance.I will work on this and publish anon.

In the meantime: Remember Parliament has not voted yet.Whatever the idiot Jean Claude Juncker may want.We are still fully paid up members. The fat lady has yet to sing.

 Courages mes Braves   Kameraden lässt Rallye   Avanti Populo  solidarność    זייַ געזונט [zay gezunt]

               I await the call at Great Falls deux églises



Ireland 1 France 0

 First the important stuff.
I have just sat down to write this blog on Clueless Corbyn  while watching  France vs Ireland.Ireland have scored from a penalty in the second minute.



The French and Irish have been "Brothers' for 500 years-common English enemy.
Just for this game Solidarity,Egalite,Fraternite are suspended.

France have much the better team but Justice must be Done
                                   Thierry Henri Keep your Hands in your Pocket

My only problem is that as I hear the French Fans sing La Marseillaise my eyes tear up and I begin to March.  http://www.marseillaise.org/english/english.html

King Cyclops must send this out Immediately before half time.Today we are ALL IRISH.Queen Cyclop's [nee Kennedy]brogue is getting thicker by the second.

footnotes: The most popular French Brandy                   Hennesy
               General De Gaule's great grandmother            Marie Angelique McCartan
               The only Irish cultural center in the world        Paris
 Robespierre's Jacobins inspired the creation of Irish Repulicanism;although English oppression was a greater motivator.

  An Irish  friend has just sent me this DEVOTIONAL picture given to him by his devout Catholic Grandmother.

 Its half time .The Clueless Corbyn Blog must wait

Friday, June 24, 2016


   I will respond to the emails on the Brexit result  after I catch up on some sleep.
  In the meantime the answer to yesterday's question.

"A Tory party leadership election between two Old Etonian Chums:

Bonking Boris  -LEAVE
Gormless George -REMAIN


The answer is Theresa May
  • She is NOT an Old Etonian,its all male and the only way she would have got in would have been as a serving wench. 
  • For those with no clue about the minutia of  British Politicians.Think Margaret Thatcher with

    fashionable shoes.

  • She is currently Home Secretary.
  • Smarter and tougher than the Posh Boys and will make mincemeat of  Clueless Corbyn in a general election.

  As to my immediate response I copy below a slightly redacted email chain within the Royal Family.Excuse the mushiness towards the Princelings I am that kind of GRAND father.

Crown Prince Daniel:
A lot of really sad/shocked people at Glasto this morning :(

Duchess Fortune:
We're all moving to America. Clear out the basement. Until The Donald becomes POTUS.

Queen Cyclops:
Never mind the basement, you can have the entire top floor, no one uses it. Another plus, we have opened the pool. When should we expect you.

Duchess Woodford:
Tomorrow? We can stay for good, or at least until your elections. Then we will see if the Americans are as crazy as the Brits!!! xxx

Queen Cyclops:
Pack you bags. I'll try to find a private jet to send.

Duchess Fortune:
I note the invitation comes from you noble Queen.. My brother is keeping quiet on this one....

 King Cyclops Memo to the Royal Family:

 Regret my tardy response.

Went to bed at mid night .Got to sleep around 2/2:300.Just woken by the Queen with final results and to inform me that David Cameron has fallen on his sword.Apparently not literally.I have to go comfort grandsons.Prince Lachland ,Duke of Puke[10 months] is particularly concerned about the feedback to the Trump campaign.Prince Desmond,Baron of the Bus[30 months] is more concerned about the Constitutional Issues--and why that Mrs.Thatcher person stopped him getting British Nationality.

As to your request for asylum ,so graciously granted by Queen Cyclops, I will try to get The Donald's jet phone number,see if you can get a ride on his way back from Scotland.Prince Desmond thrilled that his  Aunties, the Duchesses of Woodford and of Fortis are coming to stay. He burst into a spontaneous verse of: ay loo loo loo.

I am sending my check towards buying that pig for Cameron. Analogies between pig in a poke and the referendum are there somewhere. Or is it poke in a  pig  in Cameron's case?

We will have to send secret emissaries to our far flung relatives. Just in case we all need Asylum after The Donald wins.
                          KING CYCLOPS Monarch of all he surveys.Which aint much.

   Addendum to the email chain:

It was really depressing to listen to the few pols who put heads above parapet once result clear.
Not one speculated on their responsibilities in a representative democracy. Just parroting that this is "what the people decided".This despite one interviewer pressing on the wisdom and constitutionality of such a small margin in a referendum determining how our elected representatives then vote in parliament.

 In the short run: there will be some financial dislocation[panic?]. I predict that the polls will indicate firmer support for Brexit and "Britain can do it" sentiment .This is cognitive dissonance avoidance.

Once the implications sink in watch for significant buyers remorse. Hopefully that will be very clear before parliament votes.

The "Lords to the Rescue"?

An election under new leadership before the vote?

The fat lady has yet to sing.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


 The polls close in 33 minutes.So some final sneers before King Cyclops has any information on the turnout or exit polls.

Its raining cats and dogs.A favourite expression combining the Bitish  obsession with the weather and affection for their pets.

   Nothing would be more ironic than the future destiny of  Britain being  determined by the weather in South London 4 days before the start of Wimbledon

By the time many read this the result will be known and i give you just a few sage commentaries in advance.

“The people have spoken…the bastards.” –
Dick Tuck, after losing a race in California to Richard Nixon.

  The debate has been dreadful 

but the result still counts  or not as the case may be.

   There will be much interpretation:

   This from a man who should know

For the past 20 years this famous philosopher has been pondering the eternal question :
What The Meaning of "Is" Is

Now: what is the meaning of LEAVE or REMAIN in a parliamentary democracy?


For the Christians Amongst You

In 1934 Germany held a plebiscite to confirm Hitler as Fuehrer--90% voted yes
In 1938 there was a plebiscite in Austria to confirm the Anchsluss  with German
That sentimental chap Hitler wanted to be reunited with his homeland.

Stalin and Mussolini also were big on plebiscites


Whatever happens: Cameron must go.
A pigs head as his farewell gift.
A Tory party leadership election between two Old Etonian Chums:

Bonking Boris  -LEAVE
Gormless George -REMAIN

Monday, June 20, 2016

John Oliver Ditty

Well BREXIT  is being taken seriously by not just the Brits.
A couple of people have posted their comments in the blog commentary space but more have sent me direct emails.I have copied  a couple of strings below.

But you may wish to to get a quick English view from John Oliver's Ditty below.

[John Oliver is an English satirist with a half hour show on the Comedy Channel--on offshoot of the John Steward Daily Show.]

                                                                     "Our main story tonight is Donald Trump.
                                            I say that knowing every time his name is said he has a shattering orgasm"

  I will now settle in for the England vs Slovakia game which will determine the outcome of the referendum

  An email string with senders names removed:  Except for mine.

         -----Original Message-----
From: ikuczynski <ikuczynski@aol.com>

you might enjoy this too    


Irving Kuczynski              

From: ikuczynski <ikuczynski@aol.com>

I hate to be picky as I agree with his constitutional "facts" but he irritated me when he claimed "scientific evidence" that the EU was "beneficial" across all sectors. This is not science it is a civil service run series of opinion polls--over several years and the "most comprehensive ever". Well OK but they are still opinion polls NOT scientific evidence.

          Anyway he is obviously spot on about the legal issues etc. One thing he mentioned ---just in a phrase--was that the automatic supremacy given by UK courts to  EU Laws was NOT in the treaty but was passed by Parliament. Presumably for "efficiency" reasons.If I heard that correctly then Parliament can change the situation.

If anybody out there knows the substance of this then please send me a link to the argument---thanks

  By the way following my you tube viewing of your link the following came on. Enjoy it


                        Jonathan Pie Referendum Special

Irving Kuczynski

  an interesting lawyers view


Saturday, June 18, 2016


This is the one topic on which I am consistently requested to blog .So I guess I can no longer hide behind my insouciance and avoid declaring a stand. In return my interlocutors are invited to respond in the comment section at the end of the blog.

The vote is next Thursday

Looking back over past blogs I discover that I have written twice on the subject.

Once on 23 March, berating General Petraeus for claiming that our cooperation with EU countries over terrorism and intelligence transfer would collapse. An argument as silly as Herr Junker calling for an EU member’s only military alliance .I have re posted that blog tonight.

And then last week pointing out that the referendum was not constitutionally binding and could be legitimately rejected by Parliament .The resultant chaos would or would not be as damaging as proceeding to negotiate the exit--depending on your point of view.

It that March blog I thought I was on firmly on the fence:  
"There is less to all this than meets the eye."
Would it really make that much difference one way or t'other?

That was an economic prognosis based on the following premises:

  1. The UK/EU would negotiate trade and investment arrangements much as the current ones
  2. In the long run the UK economic performance would depend on its own fundamentals and UK government policy
  3. That the most important Economic determinant would be staying out of the Euro-with or without Brexit
  4. Short term disruption would not be very significant

 On this view the trade off is between some short term economic disruption and the UK "regaining" its parliamentary sovereignty. In the British tradition: the dictatorship of an elected parliament rather than that of an unelected Bureaucracy in Brussels.

On re-reading my March blog I note that I was in fact falling off the fence towards a more activist position.The last three months has confirmed that the argument has long descended from the "economic merits" to a plebiscite on immigration.

Scaremongering, xenophobic, saloon bar bores, little Englanders waiving 14 million "Turkish Visas" on one side;
Scaremongering, pompous placemen, panjandrum and wise men predicting economic Armageddon on the other. 

  One side   led by a Tory Old Etonian opportunist and clown
  The other led by a Tory Old Etonian Grandee of little political vision or competence
 Never mind,the clown is being bolstered by Farage and the Grandee by Corbyn!

                                        So Cyclops where do you stand?

My instincts are for free trade and for free(dom) from the EU machine.
There is no common foreign policy, no common border policy and no common fiscal policy. Except at times of crisis [maybe] there will not be and so be it.Actually,we are in times of crisis and there is very little coherent "common" policy.
I am no less “European" for preferring national parliamentary sovereignty over diktat by democratically deficient institutions.
The economic arguments for staying in revolve around the costs of pulling out and the benefits of a more independent economic policy.

   1.  There is the danger of the self fulfilling prophesy.Capital will panic if the poll goes negative. Investment will freeze up, exchange rate chaos, production cut back. Unlikely but can never over estimate the ability of capital to shoot itself in the foot.

   2.   The"statesmen"in the EU may extract revenge and drag out the exit negotiations, heightening economic uncertainty, reducing investment and lengthening stagnation.Such "revenge" politics" makes little sense but the  best the UK can expect is the NORWAY SOLUTION.Anything else will encourage the breakup of the EU.

[Norway is not a member of the EU but in order to participate in open trade and investment it has to allow free migration of EU nationals,adhere to EU economic regulations and contribute to the EU budget for social and economic transfers.If that is the best the UK can expect what is the point of Brexit ?]

3. The short term dislocation may be very severe for the UK, the EU and the World Economy.The medium term interregnum,negotiations and legal adjustments could last 3-5 years.Not withstanding GeorgeOsborne's panicked scare stories and silly threats of tax increases and spending cuts,the actual economic costs and uncertainties for most households will be real.

4. The gains ephemeral,difficult to quantify  and in the future.
5.As a result of not being part of the EURO the UK already has control of its economic policy.Just ask the winners and losers under Chancellor George II.

                    In the long run we are dead.

The arguments above while pragmatic are in good part “fear of the unknown”. Foolish to ignore them but not good for the self esteem.Never the less the reaction of markets,sterling and Britain's partners to the polls showing a small Brexit lead do not bode well.

The case that persuades me is of a different nature

                "Europe and the World needs UK  to Stay" 

  1. The world may not be on the brink of catastrophe but it’s not that far off either.
  2. Much of the danger centres on EU Europe and its environs.
  3. Refugees, migrants, border chaos, terrorism, the rise of the far right.
  4. Greek austerity, economic stagnation.
  5. The Ukraine, the Balkans and the Mid East.
  6. Uncertainty over US commitment and leadership.
  7. Liberal,cooperative,progressive values are under threat.
  8. Not a little of all this exacerbated by the"statesmen"of the EU.
 Cameron called for an EU Referendum to buy peace and time within his Tory Party before the last UK election.{see Peel's 1846 Corn Laws repeal and the rise of the Whigs}.He got a referendum on                                                                  IMMIGRATION.  

  • A UK vote to exit, would lead to calls by the far right for immigration referenda in Holland, France, Italy, Demmark and even Germany. It could unleash centrifugal forces tearing Europe apart and with that global chaos.
  • Could we count on the "statesmen" of Europe to act together in the common interest? Recent events cannot give confidence.
  • Would the panic of Capital bring on a recession?
  • Would Putin resist the temptation to cause mischief in the "Old Empire"? Would President TRUMP (f) do a deal---just kidding.

We should worry less about the damage exit will do to the UK and more on the consequences for Europe and the World.

All sound a bit dramatic? Maybe, but is a small(ish) probability of a catastrophic outcome worth it? 
Despite the PR man Cameron, and the nonexistent alternative on the left, the UK provides real weight and balance for the future of Europe.Recent history makes it hard to have confidence in the British elites but we have a real tradition and self image of stability in adversity. We have BOTTOM and Europe needs that.

Perhaps for the UK c'est notre devoir to stay in.
Stay and reform rather than leave and pretend.
Do not risk being the catalyst for a tragic break up. 
Have the political will for a decent,pragmatic immigration policy.
Let's not hunker down behind illusory sovereign vanities.


David Petraeus and Brexit

Brexit would only make world more dangerous, says David Petraeus in UK Sunday Telegraph.

       I have been off line for a couple of weeks --taxes,flu and because I cannot compete with the Republican campaign circus.

     But after many requests, finally I am addressing BREXIT

    To foreigners: that's the UK referendum on leaving the European      Union.

    I could not bring myself to do this before because:
         Every sod ,prognosticator and pundit in Christendom is already spewing acres of news print on the subject.
          The level of discourse is already dreadful.
          The economic difference between staying in or leaving will probably be negligible.
          The dignitaries, panjandrum and wise men trying to scare the Brits into staying are execrable.
          As are the placemen,pompous spokesmen and self important officials  paid for by the taxpayers of the EU.
          Unfortunately, those arguing for leaving are too much made up of  xenophobes and saloon bar bores full of myriad stories and examples of the evils of the Brussels Bureaucracy--but no vision .
               There is less to all this than meets the eye.

    BUT  this afternoon  I heard on PBS--that's the Yanks BBC--that 
General Petraeus had put in his tuppence worth with a column in the organ of the Tory Government--the Sunday Telegraph.

   While this should get the good General consulting fees and the odd board seat from some multinationals ,it will persuade not a single voter in the referendum.

               The General's advisers might educate him on :

      1.Mr. Petraeus is not in the pantheon of those American Military Men revered in the UK.He is not Washington or Eisenhower.
       2.The British have never been big on self promoting ,media Generals.They prefer their top brass to serve anonymously and not openly involve themselves in politics..
      3. The British military and ,therefore the broader population,were not as impressed by the "Surge" as the US Media.
      4.They may not be as easily unnerved by vague intimations of failing "security cooperation" if we leave the EU as his usual audiences .
      5. They do not relish being patronised by foreigners.

The argument that if we leave the EU then security cooperation between the UK and the rest will diminish is silly.It is as puerile as the similar arguments on the economy,borders,aviation,safety regulations and on.
   The degree and manner of cooperation will depend on each government's perception of threat levels,competence and self interest---just like now.The British are not awaiting EU directives to create,bolster or reform its security procedures ;or the intensity of cooperation with others --within the EU or not.

    Whether or not the UK remains in the EU is irrelevant to these security issues. As on much else.

                  So Cyclops where do you stand on Brexit?

All my instincts are for free trade and for free(dom) from the EU machine.There is no common foreign policy,no common border policy and no common fiscal policy .Nor will there be .So in or out will not matter much on the big issues and is irksome on the minor ones.Like most Brits I favour a common,undistorted market free of preferences for favoured groups or industries.We still do not even have that yet.The rest is not just a pipe dream but not useful or practical.I am no less"European" for preferring national parliamentary sovereignty over dictat by democratically deficient institutions.
      If the "stay in" campaign keeps the scare story nonsense going then it will drive me, along with a bunch of other "don't care" or "indifferent" voters into the hands of the outs.

But there are 3 arguments for staying in  revolving around the costs of pulling out.

   1.  There is the danger of the self fulfilling prophesy.Capital will panic if the polls go negative.Investment will freeze up,exchange rate chaos,production cut back.Unlikely but can never over estimate the ability of capital to shoot itself in the foot.

   2.   The"statesmen"in the EU will extract revenge and drag out the exit negotiations and its cost to the UK,heightening economic uncertainty and therefore investment stagnation.Just follow the nonsense spouted by Jean Claude Junker ,the vain ,venal and incompetent President of the European Commission--the most senior official in the EU system.His pronouncements alone could drive millions to the "out" vote.He is the man selected by the "statesmen" of Europe to make sure that nobody of substance got the job at the risk to their influence --solidarite as practiced at the highest levels of Europe.Look at his recent insights on security after the attack in Brussels.
     Such "revenge" politics" makes no sense but this is "Europe".

  The two previous arguments while pragmatic are essentially "fear of the unknown".Foolish to ignore them but not good for the self esteem.

3. The case that actually gives  pause for thought is that                  "Europe and the world needs us to stay in" 
 The world is not on the brink of catastrophe but its not that far off either.Much of the danger centres on EU Europe and its environs.Refugees,Migrants,border chaos,terrorism,the rise of the far right,Greek austerity,economic stagnation,the Ukraine,the Balkans and the Mid East.Not a little of this brought on or exacerbated by the "statesmen"of the EU.It is not beyond contemplation that a UK vote to exit,would unleash centrifugal forces tearing Europe apart and with that global chaos.Could we count on the "statesmen" of Europe to act together in the common interest?Recent events cannot give confidence.Would the panic of Capital bring on a recession which overwhelms ? Would Putin resist the temptation to cause mischief in the "old Empire"?Would President Trum(f) do a deal---just kidding.All sound a bit dramatic? Maybe, but a small(ish) probability of a catastrophic outcome? 
   It may be that we should not worry about the damage exit will do to the UK  but rather the unintended consequences for Europe and the world.
      Despite the PR man Cameron,and the non existent alternative on the left,it may be that the UK provides real weight to the future of Europe.Recent history makes it hard to have confidence in the British elites but the British have a real tradition and self image of stability in adversity.They have BOTTOM and Europe needs that.
Perhaps for the UK c'est notre devoir to stay in.Stay and reform rather than leave and risk being the catalyst for a tragic break up. 



Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Placing a Bet on Trump Regicide

   So where can I place a bet against Trump getting the Publican nomination?

     I had said that after Hillary clinching the nomination and Trump buffooning on his Mexican judge [keep it up Donald,keep that Trump U story up front and centre] the polls taken last w/e should show a Clinton lead of 8%+ or she should start worrying.

They have come in at between 10-12%.That is before the Orlando massacre.Since those polls we have had

  1.  Trumps extraordinary self absorbed reaction to Orlando.
  2.  His implication-in his usual subtle way-that Obama is in some ways in cahoots with Islamic terrorists
  3. His dissing of Publican leaders       and
  4. His screaming at "Pocahontas" Warren 
  5. His general delaration of war and name calling of journalists
  6. More coverage of his business record and unethical dealings--hurting the"little guy"
  7. His "banning"of the Washington Post cos he did not like its coverage-particularly of #

As a result McConnell,Senate leader,Ryan,Speaker of the House,Bob Corker Senate chair of Armed Services Committee [and hot tip to be VP on Trump ticket] et al have been running for the hills to hide under their desks.I saw all three of the above decline to even respond to reporters' questions on Trump's comments on Obama.They no sooner fold and endorse Trump[f] than he says something and they get very acute remorse.

At the same time:
  1. Bernie effectively concedes and pledges to work to stop Trump[f]
  2. B & H orchestrate chummy "private"talks and their campaign teams begin joint election planning
  3. Obama takes aim at "reality show'' nominee           and importantly
  4. Hillary finds her voice and confidence.
  5. Gone is the yelling at the audience/camera-still a little too elated about the glass ceiling but who can deny her that after all she has been through lo these 40 years.
  6. Two good ,balanced ,well presented and statesmanlike speeches
One drawing a contrast between an experienced,wonky if somewhat careful politician and a loud mouthed bigoted know nothing---she said it a little more diplomatically. 

The second an adult,balanced response to the massacre in Orlando and calling for a ban on military style weapons. 

                                                So what's your point Cyclops?

I do not actually watch the cable news wall to wall.I am more a Law & Order and WTA UK watcher-very different British and Aussie detective/cop shows.But last night and today I caught several shows with the usual gaggle of talking heads and polls.

I detect a not yet articulated undercurrent or sub text to the discussions.

Amongst DEMOCRATS a belief is forming that dare not speak its name.
We have it in the bag.

Clinton,Sanders,Obama, indeed the entire party and its supporters are already falling in step.
To stop Trump[f].   The Great Unifier.
He is so bad,so bigoted,so divisive,so disorganised and so dismissive of his own allies that he will deliver us a Senate majority.If his trajectory continues even the House may be in play--a Goldwater Tsunami.

For REPUBLICANS,we have the mirror image.
Fully formed panic.

Their leadership is in full flight across the Savannah.Every man/woman for his/her self.Senators refusing to discuss Trump with journalists.Completely crowded out of the news cycle,even locally.Donors "sitting this one out".Significant number of regular Publicans telling pollsters they will note vote for the Donald.The leadership fears they will will not vote at all causing the loss of "down ticket" Senate seats AND governorships.Trump[f] is toxic and to boot will create record Hispanic and Black turnout--despite the best Publican  efforts to use local voter ID laws to obstruct minorities and the poor.All that long term planning destroyed by one loud mouthed braggart.They have unleashed  TRUMPENSTEIN.

             Herein lies the danger.Not just a fear of simple overconfidence or Delphic hubris.
 One must never underestimate the lengths to which establishment Publicans will go to retain power.Remember Gore /Bush in Florida.The election delivered by George Bush's brother,the governor,and a Publican supreme Court.

    They will [have] conclude[d] that they cannot win with Trump[f].Worse he will cost them the Senate,the Supreme Court and Governorships. They must now be examining every conceivable way of dumping him before the Convention.I know ,I know " this is fanciful" "will alienate the primary base" "is unprecedented".

But its Trump[f]--and he is going to lose them the Senate and more.This is MacConnell's nightmare.If they dump him they will not likely win the presidency but they might limit the damage.The King must die!

      I am no psychiatrist,but if the polls continue to go against Trump[f] we may be watching a clinical narcissist  having a public  mental breakdown.Mitch McConnel has the straight Jacket in his closet.

This is of course a scenario that some senior Clinton strategist should be designated to lose sleep over.
                  WHAT IF THEY DO FIND A WAY TO DITCH TRUMP[f] ?

A contingency plan just in case friends.This has been a very strange year.Still 20 weeks to go.

In the meantime where can I place a bet that Trump[f] is dumped ?And at what odds if I get in now?
100:1 or surely at least 20:1.

 Anyone got the number for Trump Taj Mahal Casino in  Atlantic City?

Monday, June 13, 2016


    THIS DEBATE has really degenerated --from a low level.But I promised to write a blog and I am a man of honour.

  First a few comments that UK/US/EUROPEAN  pundits need to be be apprised of :

Under the UK [unwritten] CONSTITUTION: On laws,taxation and executive action the People's Parliament rules, NOT the people directly by occasional mass votes.From time to time the people elect their representatives  to the House of Commons with the duty to represent them --not as their delegates.


"Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion."
Edmund Burke, Speech to the electors of Bristol. 3 Nov. 1774

The UK is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY not a Plebiscitary dictatorship.

For my US friends this is similar to your system,just your Founding Fathers[nearly all from or descended from the UK,after the 1707 Act of Union with Scotland] went to the trouble of arguing it out and writing it down so that a king could not do just anything he wanted--Donald please note.

As you will recall from your civics classes Burke was a supporter of the American Revolution within the British Parliament.

Whatever the outcome of this BREXIT PLEBISCITE  vote a decision to actually abrogate the EU treaty requires an act of parliament.That's a series of majority votes in both the Commons and the Lords.
What if the members of parliament choose to excercise their "judgement" rather than follow the result of the BREXIT vote.

IMPOSSIBLE!---you cry.

REALLY ?  Well if the majority vote is to REMAIN the question becomes moot.
The government breathes a sigh of relief ,no need to pass any laws,life goes on.


      There are about 45 million electors out of population of 65 million.

      On June 23rd 35% of  electors turn out to vote--15.75 million.
      51 per cent vote LEAVE                                      8.032
      49 per cent vote REMAIN                                   7.718

       MAJORITY                     315,000 or 0.7 per cent of the electorate.


 Prime Minister Cameron resigns but first  arranges for Parliament to have a "free" vote on the EU.

That means each MP gets to vote his conscience.Even if that means for some voting as their constituents voted, there is no guarantee that the result will be a vote to LEAVE.I'd bet the opposite.

How dare they ignore the will of the people !! Well which people exactly? The national majority,their constituency majority or their own judgement as to what is best?Which is nobler?Which more honourable?

And their will when --on the 23rd June or in the opinion polls three weeks after?One is no more constitutionally binding than the other.

 Find this scenario absurd?

       Prime minister Cameron resigns.The queen calls a new election.
       Sterling falls 15%,the markets crash,mortgage rates soar,retail sales decline,manufacturers lay off workers.

       Much popular consternation and the opinion polls show electorate has massive buyers remorse and has apparently changed its collective mind.

  All three major parties Tory,Labour ,LibDems now led by three "unelectable" leaders campaign to overturn BREXIT and to REMAIN.

 Do you think Nigel Farage will be the new UKIP Prime Minister?

Well I am no Constitutional Scholar but BEFORE I write on the issue itself ,perhaps those of you out there more knowledgeable than I could indicate whether or not a  PLEBISCITE is binding on this Parliament.Let alone a future one,however soon elected.

Do you find these scenarios outlandish? The imagination of a crazed mind?A recipe for chaos?Only too plausible?

  All of the above.

Mr Cameron is not the sharpest pencil in the box let alone the shrewdest PM in British history.
But one would have thought that before commiting to a referendum on such a vital economic issue he would have been cognisant of Harold Macmillan's famous aphorism when asked what he feared most:
                                       "Events dear boy,events"

Cameron promised his back benchers a referendum on the EU in order to postpone a clash within his own ruling Tory Party over the power of Brussels.
He got Syria,Isis and drowning,desperate refugees.All added to a loss of control of East European economic migration.

                            He got a referendum on Immigration.